The Battlefield 4 Thread 2015



afaic, R* have done an absolute **** job with the MP, firstly they should never have based it on p2p and should have had dedicated servers, they have made a ton of money from this one game alone so I'm sure they could have afforded to get some decent servers, also, anti-cheat measures would be a lot easier if they had dedicated servers.

Unfortunately this is what it is like for the consoles so chances are they will never fix/improve the MP side of things :(

Last night was just great, want to join your friends, simply click one button and that is it, you are in their game in under 2 minutes, GTA on the other hand :o

Probably be on tonight, it is great to be back to shooting aircraft down with my tank :D

By a lot of effort I meant that the content is rich, there's are a myriad of minigames and it's entertaining. You're right though, it's not just anti cheat, it's the whole p2p server thing that fails so hard in PC gaming.

Might be on late tonight, but off the the pub earlier :D
Ah yes, can't disagree there! I do miss the gta 5 mp a lot but I just cba dealing with the slow loading, lag, getting kicked out in the middle of games/lobbies and now the cheaters :(
Highlights from last night:

  • Nexus' mates joining and getting kicked
  • The backrage on Locker
  • Repeatably srawing a minibird and getting hacker comments in chat
  • Nexus using my tank as a human C4 shield after Josh was screaming JHAD JEEEEPPPP
  • Hazard's tanking skills on that crappping dam map

Think I should be on for some more rage tonight, either that or single player GTA.
Hazard's tanking skills on that crappping dam map

Yeah I was caught in the crossfire there, I did manage to get a few of them, but they were too stronk even with a kwi repping. Still only died twice in that round. I prefer being gunner TBH :o
My MG would never allow that to happen, been away from the MG too long, I let a few get passed me last night.

Better performance will shown tonight.

I hope so or I will have you polishing my tank every morning! :p

I was shooting at the guy and warning you, when another tank crosses my path blocking my view! I blame Nexus!

Don't pull that card!!! :D the jihad quad came from behind/your left, I was on the right side of you guys so I blame hazard :p
How is everyone finding BF4 now?

Better than it's ever been and still much lols. My only issue with it are the maps. The DLC maps were just crap in my opinion - good looking and all but not well thought out. The vanilla maps are still awesome though :)
I like a limited selection of the DLC maps. I have a soft spot for sunken dragon, and Guilin Peaks and I've played a lot of metro. Lumpy gardens is OK too.
will be back on soon guys...not sure how many of you know, but sadly lost my father Saturday just gone, it's all very raw still at the minute but there will be a time I need company and laughs I imagine...when that will be I'm not to sure.

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