The Battlefield 4 Thread 2015

The details are in the first post of this thread. Just click connect and enter the IP and port and choose a name. Good to go :).

I started off on cod but haven't been back since blops 2.

Edit: copy that into the url field.

good old bl2 one of the best and thanks i will at it tomorrow when back on the pc, as the other half is moaning
Still the same smogsy. It seems to be a timed auto kick, I can play for about 3-5 minutes and then kicked with that reason.

I wonder if Josh will have the same problem as he got kicked from the same guy for the same reason iirc.

ha, sounds good to me, I like to be a ghost :D

Of to bed as well now.

Thanks for trying anyway :)

I'll try this evening, we have some good fun on #2 last night, raping in the tank, raping with the ucav.

Hope smogsy lifts the kick thing, I can see AUK being our new EA Germany :D
Heh it works for me. I have learnt to hold back in vehicles but on foot Im completely run and gun :D.

Good playing with you. You should jump on teamspeak next time.

I need more TS friends hazard cries too much :D.

What the hell? :mad:
Find someone else to play with then. :rolleyes:
I'll try this evening, we have some good fun on #2 last night, raping in the tank, raping with the ucav.

Hope smogsy lifts the kick thing, I can see AUK being our new EA Germany :D
looks like its a kick thing from IP from another bans ive reserved all IP bans, if this doesnt fix it i think player profile wipe is in order, but it wont matter as its player profile is blank as hes never joinned! :P
Shall be on bf 4 later on and maybe some gta in the early afternoon if anyone is about.

I'll try this evening, we have some good fun on #2 last night, raping in the tank, raping with the ucav.

haha yeah flood zone was superb :D

got so many ucav kills from the roof warriors, they just never learned, always kept going back lol

Loved that little bird pro, whining about the ucav and saying it was OP, just because he couldn't go without dying and then he rage quit :D

What the hell? :mad:
Find someone else to play with then. :rolleyes:

What the hell? :mad:
Find someone else to play with then. :rolleyes:

I think he was joking bud.

I may be around tonight, the wife asked if wireless headphones really cost £500 today Nex.

Bless her for being dense.

TDM is probably better for quick ranks, CQ is good but big. Lockers/Metro servers are good for quick rank ups. Don't forget your boosts also.
What did you buy Josh?

Nowt yet, but the wife overheard me saying I want a oair of wireless headphones so said she would buy them for me.

I then may have mentioned that they are called Nvidia 980Ti and may cost around £500.

She bought that apparently,
Good games this afternoon, rush was a bit of a change.

Crashed out of that Hanin round on AUK #2 after we had helped get it going again. Shame as I was doing quite well.
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