new competitive game mode called squad conquest coming to bf4
So does this mean more than 2 teams, or two teams each with one squad?
new competitive game mode called squad conquest coming to bf4
So does this mean more than 2 teams, or two teams each with one squad?
The new competitive game mode is a spin on 5 v 5 Conquest, and it’s not just Conquest with 10 players instead of 64.
You’ll be able to find unlockable vehicles and weapons on the map that appear as a fourth flag, which take longer to capture, ratcheting up the tension and risk/reward gameplay.
Watch Westie play through the mode in the video above. Squad Conquest is only available in CTE (Consumer Test Environment) at the moment.
Possibly a daft question, as this seems quite an active thread, but is this game really active still? Even though hardline is released?
Hardline doesn't really appeal to me but Battlefield army side always had, never got around to getting battlefield 4 when it came out so I'm tempted to jump onboard now..
It's price still seems reletively high so I'm guessing thats another pointed as to its popularity
Does seem a tad OP. Would be good if they introduce match making and some sort of ladder built into battlelog. I would like to think it could all be managed through battlelog with limited updates to the game, although there is need for better end of round stats and competitively oriented UI changes as some of the youtubers have pointed out. I'm glad they are making an effort though and adding this to the CTE is a great start.
Joe, how would you implement a competitive mode designed to work for the public as well as seasoned competitive players????
Has anyone had a chance to try the 60/120 tickrate servers yet? Is it night and day reg difference?
hardline is a dead as a dodo BF4 is still pretty popular.
That 5v5 Sq Cnq is terrible, who ever thought of putting a tank into 5v5 is stupid
0 warn
1 warn
2 kill
3 kick
4 kick
5 ban 1 hour
6 ban 2 hours
7 ban day
8 ban 2 days
9 ban 3 days
10 ban week
11 ban 2 weeks
12 ban 2 weeks
13 ban month
Seems solid.
Thankfully there seems to be very few base rapes on number 2 but there are numerous people who use the red zone tactically.
double xp for a week on this and hardline and i play as a sniper and a few of my kills are headshots so far its 105 kills 29 headashot, hope i aint close to a ban