The Battlefield 4 Thread 2015

So does this mean more than 2 teams, or two teams each with one squad?

I think it's 5v5 e-sports focus

Westie, not our Westie but the Youtube rip off goes into detail about it. I've not had a chance to watch the video yet.

The new competitive game mode is a spin on 5 v 5 Conquest, and it’s not just Conquest with 10 players instead of 64.

You’ll be able to find unlockable vehicles and weapons on the map that appear as a fourth flag, which take longer to capture, ratcheting up the tension and risk/reward gameplay.

Watch Westie play through the mode in the video above. Squad Conquest is only available in CTE (Consumer Test Environment) at the moment.
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Possibly a daft question, as this seems quite an active thread, but is this game really active still? Even though hardline is released?

Hardline doesn't really appeal to me but Battlefield army side always had, never got around to getting battlefield 4 when it came out so I'm tempted to jump onboard now..

It's price still seems reletively high so I'm guessing thats another pointed as to its popularity
Possibly a daft question, as this seems quite an active thread, but is this game really active still? Even though hardline is released?

Hardline doesn't really appeal to me but Battlefield army side always had, never got around to getting battlefield 4 when it came out so I'm tempted to jump onboard now..

It's price still seems reletively high so I'm guessing thats another pointed as to its popularity

Peak 24h

Peak 24h

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Does seem a tad OP. Would be good if they introduce match making and some sort of ladder built into battlelog. I would like to think it could all be managed through battlelog with limited updates to the game, although there is need for better end of round stats and competitively oriented UI changes as some of the youtubers have pointed out. I'm glad they are making an effort though and adding this to the CTE is a great start.

Joe, how would you implement a competitive mode designed to work for the public as well as seasoned competitive players????

Has anyone had a chance to try the 60/120 tickrate servers yet? Is it night and day reg difference?
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Does seem a tad OP. Would be good if they introduce match making and some sort of ladder built into battlelog. I would like to think it could all be managed through battlelog with limited updates to the game, although there is need for better end of round stats and competitively oriented UI changes as some of the youtubers have pointed out. I'm glad they are making an effort though and adding this to the CTE is a great start.

Joe, how would you implement a competitive mode designed to work for the public as well as seasoned competitive players????

Has anyone had a chance to try the 60/120 tickrate servers yet? Is it night and day reg difference?

I've tried 60Hz, it seems to use more CPU, and it feels a little better, but I'm too inconsistent to use as a fair measure.
hardline is a dead as a dodo BF4 is still pretty popular.

That 5v5 Sq Cnq is terrible, who ever thought of putting a tank into 5v5 is stupid

I like it, mixes things up a bit and tests how people work as a team and not the medic choo choo train BF4 esports has turned into lately. :D

However I can see that tank being a problem if people like Nexus get in it, maybe limit the amo and no health regen?
Really good question Kiwi, well the main issue for 5v5 is not mode but maps. At this point in it's life there is NO reason to add another gamemode for comp as comp is dead and most of the comp player will never come back. The main issue tho is the maps, there are not enough comp viable, balanced or even fun maps for 5v5 or even 8v8.

I'd like them to look at what made some BF2 and BF3 maps great for 5v5 and add those features into BF5 as there is no hope for BF4 maps and the new maps will not address the issue / also not vanilla maps so not comp viable (lvl playing field base game access etc).

Can there be a place for 5v5 inc vehicles, maybe but not in BF4.

edit.. For majnu/hazy, Nexus would be beastly as he is also good infy but adouzie would reign supreme, he's also fnatic's 5v5 backup and that boy is just insane as infy or tank.
i see quite a lot of you are are now playing on Anarchy UK Server 2 due to the very low rule amount.
No baserape,
No racism,
English only in chat

I wanted to let you know how the admin system now works as some of you had trouble in the past :D
The admins pretty much now run on 2 commands.
punish will gain you points, each punish will provide you with a Yell message on your screen & 1 point.You will start on 0 points
forgive will reduce your points by 1.

However if you are punished twice in 10 minutes you gain 2 extra points so you could jump from say 1 > 3

These points work across both servers & stick stay stuck until you are forgiven
everyone currently has 0 points

0 warn
1 warn
2 kill
3 kick
4 kick
5 ban 1 hour
6 ban 2 hours
7 ban day
8 ban 2 days
9 ban 3 days
10 ban week
11 ban 2 weeks
12 ban 2 weeks
13 ban month

Also Head shot Kill Hacking checking is now active on our servers
This has been tested for months by many servers & after testing 70% gives almost no false positives. I have given 5% as a safety net.

For this to work:
User must have X Kills with X weapon [not going into numbers ;) but its a lot]
If the HSKR is higher than 75% - Instant ban when joining our servers
if the user does not reach our X threshold nothing happens untill he reaches it.
so you would NOT banned if for example you had 20 kills 20 headshots

so for example
if i got 400 kills & 304 of them was head shots i would be banned.
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Seems solid.

Thankfully there seems to be very few base rapes on number 2 but there are numerous people who use the red zone tactically.

i am looking into a base protection system in my spare time where it could monitor players over x days to see base rape & punish them accordingly maybe using the above system. even without admins present

as infrastructure designer/developer/certified software tester i like to really get deep and dirty before i push things out :)
Good choice of main admin then :). I imagine most admins install scripts and have no idea how they work.

Wonder if it would be possible to prevent players from returning to base after leaving.
Had an issue on some servers where it sees a few hundred knife kills (going for assignments) and no time used, they see as a hack. Would it be an issue on Anarchy?
I thought you only got time used if you run around holding the knife, if it's a melee takedown it registers as no time, so it could be thousands of kills in "no time".
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