The Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

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Ocuk TS was more or less dead last night :(

And my internet was still ****ed up, ping going from 38-300, unplayable especially in a vehicle as the weapons and zoom optics keeps flicking back and forth non stop with the tank jumping back and forth as you drive forward :mad: Still managed to shoot a heli or two down on gulf of oman though! :D Had to give the tank to patsy later though as had a ton of infantry around and I couldn't do a thing whilst my weapons were switching every two seconds :p :(

Also crashing again last night......

You can always sraw the gunship nexus.

Take too long for the rocket to travel and if you have some randomer in your tank or nearby, he will probably take your tank and go and die within 5 minutes (happens to me all the time so now I never get out of the tank to rep :()

How much damage does the sraw do against the gunship?

I don't understand DICE and their decisions with some of these maps, the vehicle choice on the majority of maps is terrible, the two worse ones being dawnbreaker with jets and floodzone with the attack boat.

Surprised they didn't put the gunship on every map....

Sounds like you need a WW2 BF game before the tech came along.

Not so much that, I don't mind the new "tech" stuff, they just need to be balanced (which the first 3 will be in the next patch) as atm anyone with half a brain can do "well".

Although I really hope we get a WW or/and vietnam DLC pack!

I hate to say it but it isn't that the game is made for noobs, it's made for console players to be able to play with joypads.
The first three items say to me 'easy auto aim' for joypad use.
The last three items more cater for the CoD crowd I think. Though artillery has been in battlefield right from the start in BF1942. Using artillery from a destroyer ship was much more difficult and required a sniper to call for an area to be hit.

True, I would say it is made for both types of players though :p :D

And see that is what I would like to see with regards to artillery, rather than this spam the rockets at any blip that shows on the map....

How can artillery and Gunships be classed as noobs, they are only in use in some parts of the round, cruise missiles are great for sorting out campers, you could say that for tank whores who just sit tucked away and plucking everybody off.

Some parts???

They are up for most of the round (if you have a decent commander) :p i.e. last night on firestorm, I was in aa destroying gunship after gunship for most of the round. Depending on the map, one team can hold the gunship flag a lot easier i.e. firestorm, the D flag is pretty much right outside the US base and there is no cover from aircraft on that map except around the C/B flag but then you will likely get c4/slam or ambushed by 5+ engis above you/in the buildings.

At least it is easy enough to take tanks out if they do that, either:

- get recon to solfam the tank
- javs.
- get a group of MBT LAW warriors
- jets
- attack heli
- depending on the map and what flags you hold, artillery/gunship make take the tank out with ease unless they have cover above them....#
- other tanks

And if all that fails, jihad jeep.

Cruise missiles I don't have a problem with.

Artillery isn't "too" bad, it is just an extremely annoying vehicle especially when you are playing as infantry on zavod and some guy is spamming it away so the ground is constantly shaking...


the most annoying thing about the gunship/commander is that he can keep spawning the gunship non stop, there is no wait time for it, something needs to be done about that as well as the scan UAVs....
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There's nothing wrong with adding stuff like gunships, artillery and different tank rounds to the game it makes it feel a bit more authentic, the problem is if it's overpowered it can completely ruin rounds. Things like the staff shell will be nerfed I imagine without a doubt.

With the gunship your team has to be full on nooby if it's in the sky for longer than a minute.
I don't understand DICE and their decisions with some of these maps, the vehicle choice on the majority of maps is terrible, the two worse ones being dawnbreaker with jets and floodzone with the attack boat.

As much as I hate to give Dice any leeway its one of the things that suffered due to the final balance pass being cut by EA pushing to get the game out the door (note that from what I can tell EA rushing the game is not the reason behind many of the issues with the game that stem from fairly early technical issues with the engine itself).

the most annoying thing about the gunship/commander is that he can keep spawning the gunship non stop, there is no wait time for it, something needs to be done about that as well as the scan UAVs....

Haven't played commander much but I didn't think you could constantly spawn it but the time between being able to use it again was pretty short. Scan UAVs really should require a friendly asset in an area to be able to use them I guess.
if anyone doesn't like anything they are just simply too n00b to avoid being killed by it.

I, on the other hand, am too stronk and have yet to be killed at all! (ignore deaths on battlelog.... all due to hackers)
There's nothing wrong with adding stuff like gunships, artillery and different tank rounds to the game it makes it feel a bit more authentic, the problem is if it's overpowered it can completely ruin rounds. Things like the staff shell will be nerfed I imagine without a doubt.

With the gunship your team has to be full on nooby if it's in the sky for longer than a minute.

Staff shell damage is being nerfed by 25% iirc as well as the bug being fixed where you can instantly fire it and a tank shell (that is the main problem with tanks running staff, especially with the HE, tank can get destroyed in literally a few seconds) and I think, activ protection will stop it (?) (activ protection will be stopping MBT laws with the next patch so can't see why it wouldn't stop staff as well....)

I am usually on with ocuk, 10HZ, cg guys (ultimate team stacking :p) so thankfully one of us will get the AA or/and we will have westie or joe in a jet so gunship is down within seconds :D

One guy was raging the other night on caspian as cherry kept taking the gunship down as soon as it spawned :D

At least most of the vanilla maps have cover from aircraft unlike caspian and firestorm....

As much as I hate to give Dice any leeway its one of the things that suffered due to the final balance pass being cut by EA pushing to get the game out the door (note that from what I can tell EA rushing the game is not the reason behind many of the issues with the game that stem from fairly early technical issues with the engine itself).

Haven't played commander much but I didn't think you could constantly spawn it but the time between being able to use it again was pretty short. Scan UAVs really should require a friendly asset in an area to be able to use them I guess.

The thing is, they have done a few balancing things to hainan rush with regards to vehicles and imo it wasn't a problem at all that map with regards to vehicles.

Yup you can spawn it non stop, iirc it is based on points so if you got a squad or two accepting the commander's orders etc. then afaik the commander can keep spamming the ac130, on firestorm last night, as soon as I took the gunship out, another one would reappear straight away.
Yup you can spawn it non stop, iirc it is based on points so if you got a squad or two accepting the commander's orders etc. then afaik the commander can keep spamming the ac130, on firestorm last night, as soon as I took the gunship out, another one would reappear straight away.

I don't remember the AC130 specifically or even if there are points involved in having access to it but it but for most stuff like that it was mostly a case of getting the team to capture the right flag, the icon for it pops up a few moment later then a bar on the left goes along corresponding to the item and you can't spawn it again until the bar is full. The problem possibly is that the time the AC130 is in the air for means the bar is fully recharged right away before its taken out - if thats the case then it shouldn't really start recharging until the AC130 dies.
Pretty sure the commander needs points from team/squad stuff in order to spawn the gunship (and other items) or maybe when they get more points, they can spawn it quicker.... joe will probably be able to confirm what it is.

But it definitely "can" be spawned constantly as last night on firestorm and other nights playing different maps when in the AA, I just spend my time taking it out non stop, I can take it out within 10 seconds and then another one will reappear straight away.
Yep, it can be insta respawned as it takes errr 1 or 2 accepting orders and the bar is replenished.. Now as a jet pilots that is awesome, how to rack up at least 10 free kills a game, they just stop getting in it after a while :'(
Just having a play now - there is no timer on the AC130 like on other similiar stuff :| you can just redeploy it as soon as it dies.

EDIT: I'm not even seeing any need for points (not saying you don't as I have no idea how the mechanic works as its not exactly intuitive) - the icon pops up again pretty much instantly if you do pretty much anything as commander.

EDIT2: And it just bugged out on me and I could constantly spam the button (only one AC130 spawned) but was getting the points for deploying it as fast as I could press the button - got 3000 points in the 20 seconds left on the map lol.
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When the game was first released there was a bar to go with it (similar to cruise missile) but having just spoken to the SYM guys, it was removed. AS Rroff has just found out, it can be glitched and abused by commander to get loads of points...stupid game.

The gunship adds nothing to the SA maps except frustration IMO
Yeah not seen that before but the button was renabling without points needed even with the AC130 still up and allowed me to redeploy it instantly if the previous one died and still got points for clicking it even if there was one still up so a new one wasn't deployed. Just slightly broken.

I'm not 100% but I do seem to remember it having a bar when I last played as commander but I wasn't really paying attention.
Commander mode in general needs completely reworked.
Constant UAV's destroys a lot of the combat awareness as you just need to watch the mini map.
The gunship really just doesn't work well on the maps the size they are. If anything the way they implemented the bomber on the China rising maps is a better way to do it.

And to top it off, playing as commander is simply boring. I guess they designed it for people to play using tablets.
At least in bf2 the commander was part of the action.
Yeah - also would be kind of cool if commander mode was a bit like in Aliens with a (working) view of each member of the squad heh and tools like UAV should be closer tied to friendly assets in the field.

I don't find it _that_ boring but its kind of silly as most people will totally ignore you even when you explain what your doing i.e. I use the evac order as a heads up on enemy positions quite a bit but squads don't seem to "get it" even after explaining to them how I'm using it :S
Commander mode isn't baddddddd, just it ain't really that good either xD gets pretty boring (especially on maps like lockers where there's FA to do apart from order and then UAV/EMP-UAV). Mostly squads don't listen and just do their own orders :(

when you zoom in it's still a pretty bad view, not like bf2 where you could see everything that's going on and line up those supply/jeep drops/kills ;) though I have team killed with a friendly supply drop :D much to my amusement and clan mates (not so much the one who got killed)

oh and people are retarded on HC mode..... obviously on HC the commander and TK with the cruise missile... so there was a heavy concentration of enemies, looked to be pinned in by our team so I launched the missile :D I then also put an EVAC order on where the strike was landing and gave a few warnings in chat.

nope.jpg kicked from game... too many TKs..... FFS!!! ******* retarded team! even if they didn't read the chat the massive HUD warning text/countdown/static noise on screen should have indicated that **** was about to go down in that area... but nope..... they all swarmed in and got raped..... by me :p stupid ****s
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Oh yeah and the times when as commander its painfully obvious why a team is losing and you can see how to fill the gaps and make them win but they still ignore you even when you explain in simple terms :| and all you can do is watch as it all falls apart for no good reason i.e. those people on Zavod all obsessed with the B flag when its the least important in how the game is playing out and by simply repositioning themselves to put pressure on C they'd win easy.
Shameless bump again

Managed a couple of days with almost a full server when second assault launched but really struggling to get people on again. Is HC really that unpopular?
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