The Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

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Got a roadkill with the jet lastnight

I miss this from the gulf of oman :( loved it when a transport heli would go down and everyone bailed. could sometimes get triple kills with a cheeky dipped wing ;)

fun/frustrating games last night :p we totally had that lockers game until team clan stacks arrived ;) (talking about all of you xD ) my squad did the work for so long in the game, then most of my squad left the game and then we just lost everything :(

such rubbish reg on so many people though, not sure if server or what. literally getting to the point where I'd be behind someone, stand still and empty most of the clip only for them to get the kill on me and walk away with >80HP...quite a lot of the time was 100....

Think I was about 22-5 at one point but then ended on like 24-25 because of retarded ******* spawn deaths. easily 10 spawns in a row were instant deaths... on flags or on squaddies!

also have they nerfed the incendiary grenade range? o.O :confused: in the cells on D flag I threw one into a cell where a guy was hiding... got like 2 hit markers but I also flanked and came through the cell behind to get the guy... he was standing.... like literally 1m away from my incendiary grenade....flames and bloom swamping him.... but he was taking no damage at all :\

then of course the usual already being way round a corner but some laggy **** shot like 5 seconds ago so those bullets just bend time and space to catch me :(

but.... on a plus side I got sweetFX running and MMMMMMMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmHHHHHHHUUUUUUUmmmmmmmmmmmmmm does it look sexy!!!! there's the visual orgasm I miss from BF3 ;) it's such a insane difference...literally night and day xD (that colour enhancement ;) )
I was finding hit reg to be hugely inconsistant yesterday, and it wasn't just one server. It was like that on several servers.
I have to admit, I am feeling a bit underwhelmed with the game of late. Might need to take a break from it. I'll see about purchasing Titanfall this weekend. But not paying a full price for it.
I have to admit, I am feeling a bit underwhelmed with the game of late. Might need to take a break from it. I'll see about purchasing Titanfall this weekend. But not paying a full price for it.

I think it's a little overpriced for what it is to be honest, COD with Mechs. I certainly wouldn't say it's next gen either.
I have to admit, I am feeling a bit underwhelmed with the game of late. Might need to take a break from it. I'll see about purchasing Titanfall this weekend. But not paying a full price for it.

Completely underwhelmed by what I've seen of titanfall seems to be like a more spammy version of cod with extra clunkiness added to the gameflow with the titans - might appeal to some who preffer a more casual gamestyle but not my thing.
Titanfall sure looks ****e to me...seems like its a simple arcade game aimed at the simple sheeple minds that love COD and anything that doesnt involve a thought process..Looks about as dumbed down as society does these days to be fair. And nextgen...laugh my ass off, thats about as funny as calling XB1 or PS4 nextgen when they cant even hold 60fps at 900p in most cases.
Titanfall sure looks ****e to me...seems like its a simple arcade game aimed at the simple sheeple minds that love COD and anything that doesnt involve a thought process..Looks about as dumbed down as society does these days to be fair. And nextgen...laugh my ass off, thats about as funny as calling XB1 or PS4 nextgen when they cant even hold 60fps at 900p in most cases.

Have to admit thats kind of my thoughts on it - it looks like a clash of ut2k4 and COD. Makes me think someone spent too much time playing that Unreal 2k4 demo map (think it was) with the mech thing and decided to make a full game around the concept heh.
titanfall looks a lot better and plays well. in pics and videos don't do it justice.

some of the modes played well could work competitively .

at end of day fps in any form is consolized just like bf3/4 is.

bf4 quite enjoying at moment got reg about right if you find right servers. its not a masterpiece but in the short time they churning these games out now they never are going to match 3-5 yrs projects.
I think it's a little overpriced for what it is to be honest, COD with Mechs. I certainly wouldn't say it's next gen either.

While it may not look 'next gen', I see being based on the source engine as a huge plus. It's a solid and stable game engine.
In xfactors video about Titanfall he commented on how snappy the engine was and how good the hit reg was.
I played the TF beta, its was alright, it is just CoD with robots tbh. I wouldn't pay more than a tenner for it, £15 at the very most.

In xfactors video about Titanfall he commented on how snappy the engine was and how good the hit reg was.
Got to agree with that, the reg and engine are 100% solid. If only BF4 was as good......!
"If DICE had a QA team working on Battlefield 4, it wasn’t obvious."

Stopped reading there.

He has a point

Even 30 minutes playtesting would have picked up the killcam bug since its never right. How did that ever get through ?

Likewise the new weapon animations. Even 5 minutes play testing would have picked those up ?
Well anytime you wanna play BF4 comp, just let me know matey. We recruited matt for Jet, TankAce for...can anyone guess and Liam for LAV. Would love to have you as well for PCW's, pubs n stuff :D
Titanfall sure looks ****e to me...seems like its a simple arcade game aimed at the simple sheeple minds that love COD and anything that doesnt involve a thought process..Looks about as dumbed down as society does these days to be fair. And nextgen...laugh my ass off, thats about as funny as calling XB1 or PS4 nextgen when they cant even hold 60fps at 900p in most cases.

Then stick to BF3/4 then tbh you seem a little stuck up about it. Comparing titainfall to BF3/4 is like the Quake3 Vs unreal tournament they do different things and they do them well.

PS im sure the Arma2/3 hardcore think BF3/4 are arcade games as well
Titanfall sure looks ****e to me...seems like its a simple arcade game aimed at the simple sheeple minds that love COD and anything that doesnt involve a thought process..Looks about as dumbed down as society does these days to be fair. And nextgen...laugh my ass off, thats about as funny as calling XB1 or PS4 nextgen when they cant even hold 60fps at 900p in most cases.

If done right it'll be a refreshing change back to old simple fps's like quake, unreal tournament and even half-life deathmatch. They didn't have huge complexity but were great to play.

Personally looking at the videos I think the on foot/pilot run speed is a bit too fast, but that's just my opinion.
If you think Titanfall is fast, I used to play Tribes Ascend competitively, a game with a very high skill ceiling. Check this out:

It's free to play as well...
Ta Joe might take u up on that offer if ya ever short over weekends... Will probably play pub a bit still..

It's ems katowice this weekend so will be watching that mostly thurs to Sunday!
If you think Titanfall is fast, I used to play Tribes Ascend competitively, a game with a very high skill ceiling. Check this out:

It's free to play as well...

Yeah, I played that for a while. Never thought it came close to Tribes 2 Tbh.
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