The Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

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We deployed a minor update for Battlelog today. A bigger update is planned for Tuesday the 25th.

- Fixed an issue with Platoon Emblems, where they couldn't be saved if they contained Premium or unlockable shapes
- Fixed an issue with Mission dog tags not showing progression and unlock status properly. Note that the fix we deployed in the previous release allows you to properly earn the dog tags by playing Missions now, but you may need to play the Mission one more time to properly unlock them.
- Fixed an issue where you couldn't sign out of Tablet Commander

The bigger update on the 25th has to tie in with NS release I'd bet.
hackusations will never stop..there are a ton of not just bad players, but totally dumb players not knowing how to play this game. What's normal to a good player seems totally unrealistic to a bad player. It's a shame really that hacks/cheats/ aimbots whatever have become so well known now in every seems like it's the go to response when someone has a very fragile ego.

Could not agree more. It's just a shame that we have cheats in FPS. I used to play a game called Tribes Ascend. It was small enough and extremely complected that it had (to my knowledge) very minor amounts of cheating and a very high skill ceiling so it was quite satisfying to play competitively. It's a shame modern FPS games are full of cheaters (COD being the worst).

The bigger update on the 25th has to tie in with NS release I'd bet.

Thanks for forwarding this.
Well todays BL patch is just fixing bugs, nothing really worth mentioning tbh, I was more interested in the 'bigger update' of the 25th. That'll be NS.

We have the full trailer tomorrow, and would assume thats when we get an official date....
Game still stuttering for me with that config :mad: At least my mouse seemed fine tonight....

In the test range, single player, it is perfect.

Although.........joined a 48 player small conquest server earlier and it was a fair bit smoother! Also, best thing about it, it was hainan, no aa and an ATTACK JET, dream come true :D

Hit reg. is beyond a ****ing joke now too, ridiculous dog fighting in jets, literally half the shots don't register on the jet, instead you have to aim at the tail, just behind it for the hits to register, much like with RPGS/tank shells and aircraft shots....

So yeah, I think we should try 48 conquest large out again tbh, might be less people to shoot at etc. but personally I be happy to sacrifice that in order for a smoother less laggy game and possibly better hit reg. too...
I tried that same user config Nexus, no difference from the one i had. Agree about reg tonight, joined a few of you earlier on golmud. Reg/sync wasn't great, far worse though on the next round, (lockers). Getting plenty of hit markers but no kills, problem is much more pronounced on normal mode so i think ill stick to hardcore.
I had to rage quit that golmud round, VERY laggy, rubber banding like crazy and is even more of a problem when in a jet, impossible to hit anything!
Would be nice if the upcoming updates could sort the reg/sync issues. If they could get it like bf3 i could live with that, but its not gonna be like bc2 or the recent moh games from dice.

No more wombo combo. :( (AA will be back to being a pain again)
Also, what's the point of not being able to equip a rocket launcher as well as AA mines. The mines don't do enough damage to take down an aircraft you you need to follow it up with a rocket otherwise you've just ****ed off the pilot and not really stopped their advance.

Speaking of rocket launchers, stingers should be the weapon getting some kind of nerf, not AA mines. Maybe reload speed?
Game still stuttering for me with that config :mad: At least my mouse seemed fine tonight....

In the test range, single player, it is perfect.

Although.........joined a 48 player small conquest server earlier and it was a fair bit smoother! Also, best thing about it, it was hainan, no aa and an ATTACK JET, dream come true :D

Hit reg. is beyond a ****ing joke now too, ridiculous dog fighting in jets, literally half the shots don't register on the jet, instead you have to aim at the tail, just behind it for the hits to register, much like with RPGS/tank shells and aircraft shots....

So yeah, I think we should try 48 conquest large out again tbh, might be less people to shoot at etc. but personally I be happy to sacrifice that in order for a smoother less laggy game and possibly better hit reg. too...

I had fun with the attack jet earlier on the AC130.

Two full strafing runs with not a single piece of damage dealt. You can see the sparks fly off it as the bullets hit, but no damage points. Rubber banding all over the shop.

The in game "performance test" shows packet loss out, but it does that for nearly all the conquest servers. See the thread on battlelog here:

We can't get a game on a server thats all three bars on console. Shocking really.
IIRC theres a bug in the latest patch where if you fly too high jets deal no damage (not sure if its fixed with one of the server updates).
You have to shoot at the ac130 from below. I think on some maps it is completely invincible though, think dawnbreaker for example and iirc the gunship can do no damage to tanks etc. either on that map.

And what rroff said.

I really am getting fed up with this game atm, the bugs, stuttering, gunship (on a nice kill streak and then you get some faggot in it that just spams the thing at you, a right PITA on certain maps, get 2 hits right on target and you are done for, tbh it is largely why I am attack jet whoring so much now as 90% of the AA drivers don't do a single thing about it), dodgy netcode, all the annoying things like roof campers, anti heli mines etc. are just ruining the game "fun" imo, as I said before, if it weren't for the usual lot that I play with each night, I would have uninstalled this game long ago...

Going to take a few nights of this week.
I quit due to lag/rubber banding and im sure i was getting kills and they were not being registered to me. It said you killed blaghhh and yet i was on 0 kills?
Playing with OcUK crew makes the game much more enjoyable for sure, really hope they sort the net code/bugs.
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