The Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

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Most of the time you can avoid wasting a stinger by getting a lock on, holding it until the pilot loses their nerve and fires countermeasures, and then re-lock on and fire.

Good pilots won't fire cms unless a missile is in the air mind, you'll mostly only catch players who are new to the game with that.
So EA/DICE will you let us add more modifications/attachments to our weapons next rather than adding more 'fluff' [read: useless gadgets].

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Can you tell? Does the alarm pitch change? I don't pilot at all, I'm far too bad.

Edit: Sorry DP!

yeah, 3 stages of locks.

1) initial locking beeps, short beeps in succession indicate someone is attempting to lock
2) long "tone", indicates that someone has a lock on you but is yet to fire the payload (often hear this in films... "I've got tone"..then they fire ;) )
3) missile incoming beeps, a bit like the initial beeps but quicker in succession and iirc slightly higher pitched too. yeah.... things be flying at ya n **** :p

see I try and prey on those that arn't too familiar between the two sets of beeps. as I said in my previous post I'll get a lock and then quickly aim slightly off just enough to start acquiring a target again... so to them... they hear the beeps....tone.... and beeps again, but the wrong beeps....and does fool some or induce panic so the flares are popped... then it's killin' time ;)
Ordered a mic just a cheap one from OcUK - Zalman ZM-MIC1 Microphone so will be able to help more and join the chat easier than typing while in the middle of a battle lol
yeah, 3 stages of locks.

1) initial locking beeps, short beeps in succession indicate someone is attempting to lock
2) long "tone", indicates that someone has a lock on you but is yet to fire the payload (often hear this in films... "I've got tone"..then they fire ;) )
3) missile incoming beeps, a bit like the initial beeps but quicker in succession and iirc slightly higher pitched too. yeah.... things be flying at ya n **** :p

see I try and prey on those that arn't too familiar between the two sets of beeps. as I said in my previous post I'll get a lock and then quickly aim slightly off just enough to start acquiring a target again... so to them... they hear the beeps....tone.... and beeps again, but the wrong beeps....and does fool some or induce panic so the flares are popped... then it's killin' time ;)

I miss the days of BF3 where I could fly directly into an incoming missile and avoid being hit :(
I miss the days of BF3 where I could fly directly into an incoming missile and avoid being hit :(

I miss the seemingly hard core days of BF2... in that you could flare and still be hit! to avoid the AA for sure you had to alter your flightpath (usually down) so you maximise the number of flares in a line between you and the missile.... or it would just ignore the flares and still focus on you xD there was the real dodging!
The new naval maps look pretty nice!

Only one map has an attack jet though :(

But you loved those noob ARM's when you were a MAA whore Nexus ;)

I hardly ever used them tbh, only time I would use them:

- had a really good heli guy or/and jet pilot
- to help out joe, westie or whoever else is in a jet

A few short bursts with the 30mm is far more effective imo, literally can take any aircraft out in less than 3 seconds if you are good with target lead, it is hard to hit a decent pilot though.

Have had zuni's equipped instead since the nerf to activ and tbh it is great fun rolling with zuni's in the AA, devastating vehicle to infantry :D And best of all, have some form of defence against tanks!

Some nice buffs for flares and ECM. Not sure which one I prefer as ECM is still a little hit and miss but nice for dogfighting.

I would love it if they remove active radar from the game. I'm seeing allot of noobs flying full speed at me these days and letting both active radars off. Almost impossible to get the flare off which means your disabled and more vulnerable.

ECM works fine 90% of the time for blocking missiles, you have to do some fancy manoeuvres depending on the jet you use though (someone posted an article about it a while ago here), but it is just a PITA doing that and not always guaranteed so I just stick with flares now.

One thing that I am going to do later is remap flares/ECM to my thumb mouse button, bit awkward having to hit X

Thankfully most of the jet pilots I encounter can't turn for **** :p

And yup, guaranteed you will get some mad ground guy in a stealth with activ and just full on speed at you firing activ and then ram........
It's weird I didn't have any and had a really stronk round at golmund

Same but wasn't just us OcUK have problems as others complained on there was well. Was perfect for me and Sidewinder IIRC.

Ordered a mic just a cheap one from OcUK - Zalman ZM-MIC1 Microphone so will be able to help more and join the chat easier than typing while in the middle of a battle lol

Nice one mate :)
BTW VR and anyone else who has windows 8/8.1 and game is running smoothly, do you have page file disabled?

Probably be on tonight at the usual sort of time and take the next few nights of.
BTW VR and anyone else who has windows 8/8.1 and game is running smoothly, do you have page file disabled?


In other news, I'm really looking forward to Naval Strike. For once it might be a decent DLC at a time when hopefully BF4 is starting to come right.

One was hope and prey I guess :p
I'm a BF MP noob and would love links to any resources or noob servers that I can use to become a hardcore BF4 vet like the rest on this thread.

The game looks awesome on my PC but I keep dying - a lot!:(
As above all the usual YT BF4ers have posted loads of vids of NS now, Levelcap, Ponylion, Russian Badger etc. Go take a look, looks pretty good so far! :)

BTW VR and anyone else who has windows 8/8.1 and game is running smoothly, do you have page file disabled?
No mate, 8/8.1 needs very little 'tweaking' tbh. Mine is pretty much 'out of the box' setup. Aside from Classic shell that is. :)

Edit: Actually all i did do was disable fast boot and Hibernate irrc....

if your interested....

Just got a new router, Asus RT N66U, time to see if BF4 still works....! lol. :p
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