The Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

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yeah on some maps the ac-130 seems to do nothing, other maps, only the second and 3r seat seem to hit things...and other maps it works as intended :p

and yeahhh why they needed to bring in AA turrets I'll never know... hard enough with AA, stingers, iglas, jets, helis and other random RPGS..... now there's another :p how do people even fly in helicopters without buddies repping them :p
You have to shoot at the ac130 from below. I think on some maps it is completely invincible though, think dawnbreaker for example and iirc the gunship can do no damage to tanks etc. either on that map.

This was on Paracel Storm, and I was coming at the AC130 from above. Will have to try from below next time and see how I get on.
and yeahhh why they needed to bring in AA turrets I'll never know... hard enough with AA, stingers, iglas, jets, helis and other random RPGS..... now there's another :p how do people even fly in helicopters without buddies repping them :p

I know what you mean, the attack chopper will remain pointless, largely due to the reasons levelcap pointed out in his "plight of the attack chopper video" They now have to dodge all these that are new to battlefield 4 :

Active Radar from Mobile AA
Active Radar from Jets
attack Boats
Tank Sabot Shells
Enhanced 50 cal for the Tank Gunners
Dodge around the fact that the ECMs & Flares don't seem to work in BF4
Dodge the critical hit mechanism which can leave you hovering like a sitting duck
Dodge the AA mines
Avoid nose diving and blowing up every other time a missile hits you.
Work around the increased ECM reload from 10 seconds to 25 seconds.

And that's in addition to the stuff that was present in BF3:

IGLAs / Stingers
Lock on missiles from the Mobile AA

Not forgetting of course the nerfs that were made in Armored kill where they removed the immunity from lockon under 25m, and removed the gunner flares, and made the tank shells and RPGs one hit kills.

There's just no way they can balance this without making the COD infantry players cry about not being able to take an attack chopper down single handedly as they can do now.

All a single player has to do is take out a stinger, lock on, fire the first one, then reload within about 2 seconds and fire another. Unless you're playing dawnbreaker or Shanghai, there simply isn't enough cover to dodge the second stinger in time and you end up dead. Its ridiculous how one infantry can lock down the chopper.

Similar story with the transport chopper. 9 times out of 10 that second stinger after the flares causes it to nose dive and everybody to have to bail out.
ahhh see you can get lucky ;) golmud would be a more favorable map as you can hide around the main buildings, off to the water and in the forest behind trees and **** :p but sometimes there's just too many enemies with stingers :(
All a single player has to do is take out a stinger, lock on, fire the first one, then reload within about 2 seconds and fire another. Unless you're playing dawnbreaker or Shanghai, there simply isn't enough cover to dodge the second stinger in time and you end up dead. Its ridiculous how one infantry can lock down the chopper.

Most of the time you can avoid wasting a stinger by getting a lock on, holding it until the pilot loses their nerve and fires countermeasures, and then re-lock on and fire.
Appears the initial patch notes from the R30 server patch weren't complete. They've now been revised to include the following changes:

R30 Server Update
-Players will no longer be able to pick up deployed AA mines
-Players will no longer be able to equip an AA mine together with rocket launchers
-Fix for an issue where players could have two Javelin projectiles in the air at the same time
-Javelin damage has been reduced from 34% to 30%
-Active Radar cone on the Ground Active Radar Missiles has been reduced from 5 degrees to 2 degrees
-Reduced the resupply time of the Flares from 25 to 20 seconds
-Reduced the resupply time of the ECM from 30 to 25 seconds
-Increased the resupply time of Active Protection from 30 to 35 seconds
-Bullpup weapons with 1x sights should now all properly benefit from increased movement speed while aiming down the sight
-Increased the damage of the CBJ-MS all ranges to better balance its low rate of fire
-Reduced the direct damage of the Attack Helicopter Zuni rockets as they were slightly too powerful after the last adjustment - as a result that last increase has been toned down to 50%
-Increased the side to side recoil of the AWS to balance it with other 800 RPM LMGs and keep its unique firing behavior
-Reduced the damage of the FIM-92 Stinger and SA-18 IGLA to 35% from 45% against Scout, Attack Helicopters and jets
-Toned down the helicopter flip caused by FIM-92 Stinger, SA-18 IGLA and Starstreak HVM-2 impacts
Most of the time you can avoid wasting a stinger by getting a lock on, holding it until the pilot loses their nerve and fires countermeasures, and then re-lock on and fire.

this, I do this when I'm in any air vehicle that requires a lock on really (maybe not much for me). but when I spot a little bird from my little bird I try and close the gap asap and get a higher altitude than the enemy... then I bust the sidewinders out and start locking.

if he doesn't pop straight away. I'll move my aim off to lose the lock but quickly get back on (like instantly), all while still closing the gap, as this can panic some into popping their flares :D

if they still haven't then hopefully by this point I am pretty damn close and go for a swoop in, fire rockets when I'm pretty close, quick switch to the guns and start filling them full of holes, while still in my downward swoop :D

this can usually get the LB down in one run provided both rockets hit and they don't have reps. or then ensues the circle dance of who runs out of reps first or who manages to shoot the rep/pilot :p
this can usually get the LB down in one run provided both rockets hit and they don't have reps. or then ensues the circle dance of who runs out of reps first or who manages to shoot the rep/pilot :p

If the engi rep pulls out a stinger during their repair tool cool-down it can get quite interesting ;)
Appears the initial patch notes from the R30 server patch weren't complete. They've now been revised to include the following changes:

R30 Server Update
-Reduced the resupply time of the Flares from 25 to 20 seconds
-Reduced the resupply time of the ECM from 30 to 25 seconds
-Reduced the damage of the FIM-92 Stinger and SA-18 IGLA to 35% from 45% against Scout, Attack Helicopters and jets
-Toned down the helicopter flip caused by FIM-92 Stinger, SA-18 IGLA and Starstreak HVM-2 impacts

Thought the nerfs made sense for the majority of items. Interesting that they have nerfed the stingers. I think all they need to do is reduce the range. I think if you're getting smashed by mini birds on paracel you should be able to blow them out of the sky, however if a chopper wants to back off you shouldn't be able to quickly reload before that chopper is able to get away.

That would make their use more tactical IMO. We also need to consider those pilots who are using reppers.

Thought the buffs on the flares and ECM were interesting. Assuming this is for both choppers and jets then mini birds are going to be very powerful indeed in this patch.
It will be interesting to see how this goes.

If this means you can survive 2 stingers from one person it might bring some more balance. In theory the second stinger that hits will now only do 35% damage and not tip you into a nose drive, giving you chance to run away and lick your wounds. Even if you get hit by 2 of them, that still gives you 30 % health left which should be just enough to run away and get your repairs in.
oh yeah xD like most of that is going on the premiss that I am above them and they don't know where I am yet, hence the sneaky sneaky swoopy action ;)

yeah.... when both have reps and stingers then it really is a dance to the death... usually ending in bumping helis at some point too... either on purpose ;) or just from mobility hit so just spin into them haha xD

have found if I get a mobility hit, you usually want to spin one way, if I spin with the hit (so not fighting the spin) you have a bit more control... yeah you are spining around at full rate but still seems more maneuverable in the other directions going up/down and pitching.

so yeah.... if you see a mobility hit LB just spinning and also flying away... it's probably me ;) to be fair... I like flying like that anyway.... keeps the enemy guessing/confused lol and your team too xD
Even easier for my littlebird gun runs, excellent :D

Can't fly the planes, and useless in the attack chopper but can't get enough of the LB :D Never really struggled with overpowered AA, nobody seemed to bother trying to take me out apart from the other scout helicopter.
Liking all those changes except for this:

Increased the resupply time of Active Protection from 30 to 35 seconds


35 ****ing seconds, are you ******** me DICE?!?! AP doesn't last that long already and is buggy since the last patch i.e. sometimes it doesn't work and won't stop rockets

Thank god I am more of an attack jet flyboy now, only thing that ****es me of that can do any sort of decent damage is the AA with its noob activ missiles and/or a good jet pilot
yeah I've noticed that with AP the past week I've been on. seems to last all of like 5-7 seconds, so enough time to stop one rocket... but not when the guy has reloaded.. :p and yeah.... it doesn't make much sense to me... It stops ALL the bullets from say the AA gattling gun (lol ok...yeah I'm sure it could do that.....LOL) but then various rockets just get through and hit fine....FFS! :( all breaking!
I'm still shocked at how overpowered LMG with bipods are. Only been using them the last few rounds and getting upto 20 kills to one death just by hanging back on a hilltop and picking off whole squads from range.
Thank god I am more of an attack jet flyboy now, only thing that ****es me of that can do any sort of decent damage is the AA with its noob activ missiles and/or a good jet pilot

Some nice buffs for flares and ECM. Not sure which one I prefer as ECM is still a little hit and miss but nice for dogfighting.

I would love it if they remove active radar from the game. I'm seeing allot of noobs flying full speed at me these days and letting both active radars off. Almost impossible to get the flare off which means your disabled and more vulnerable.
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