The Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

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I'm a BF MP noob and would love links to any resources or noob servers that I can use to become a hardcore BF4 vet like the rest on this thread.

The game looks awesome on my PC but I keep dying - a lot!:(

Play defensive and practise bud, I sucked coming onto BF4 from xbox, couldn't stay alive, squad up with some pals and get comms going. My KD has improved since playing with the OcUK lot.
Just checked out those Naval Strike videos.
Really liking the look of Wave Breaker, and Operation Mortar reminds me very much of Iwo Jima map from BF1942.
No mate, 8/8.1 needs very little 'tweaking' tbh. Mine is pretty much 'out of the box' setup. Aside from Classic shell that is. :)

Edit: Actually all i did do was disable fast boot and Hibernate irrc....

if your interested....

Just got a new router, Asus RT N66U, time to see if BF4 still works....! lol. :p

Thanks, will have a read through that guide.

Just wish I could get bf 4 to run perfectly smooth, stuttering is really annoying me now :(
shouldn't need to unpark your cores anyway on 8.1 so I've read multiple articles on that.

It's really weird how and why your getting stutter Nexus. It's been absolutely beautiful most of the time on my PC with 8.1 and also a lot of friends that have it as well with no issues. Could it be another piece of your hardware?? no idea what your specs are, just kinda spit balling really
i5 750 OC to 3.6GHz
7850 2GB OC

Everything on low/of except mesh.

Game ran pretty damn nicely on W7 but since putting 8.1, just stuttering away now :(
You have got all your drivers installed have you? As TT says 8 is/was much smoother than 7 in my experience.
Liking the look of Lost Island, enjoy paracel and flood zone but as a mainly inf player the swim can get grating!

Rest look pretty good too.

Nexus. I'm on 8.1, game has been perfect bar the 13/02 patch causing crashes. Haven't unparked cores as per Tony's statement, I read the same and didn't bother. I don't use a config apart from whats in game. No special commands at all. All low bar Mesh. Smooth as butter and was goning to say I seem to have a hit a stride recently!
Tweaked my config a wee bit again but doubt it will help.....

Might try a different sweetfx out as well although that shouldn't be the cause of it either........
Didn't know you could do that :p

I literally have no config, unless one built by bf4 on launch/saving settings.

Drivers for GPU? Are other people getting it since patch?
I would consider my pc to be quite good, not amazing with one gpu and only 8 gigs of ram but is it normal for me to get big frame drops on ultra? Am I expecting too much for my pc? Some large conquest maps are very stuttery for me, especially firestorm with all the fires burning. My frame rate goes down to about 30 when im near fire.
Should a 780ti be able to max out this game or am I just expecting too much?
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