The Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

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Hmmmm, I wonder if there is actually a problem with 8.1, logitech drivers or/and BF4 and not the mouse itself, problem only seems to happen when playing bf 4, will need to play something else for a couple of hours and see...

Got 8.1 with both Logitech keyboard and mouse. Haven't installed setpoint software for it, just windows default drivers and no issues here mate.
Got 8.1 with both Logitech keyboard and mouse. Haven't installed setpoint software for it, just windows default drivers and no issues here mate.

Ok, thanks!

About to play through some crysis 3 and see if I have any problems, if I still do, I'll uninstall setpoint software and see how that goes....
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Loving the SRR-61, beast of a weapon. I still want to try the Gol out but that stupid assignment to get it is doing my head in. :rolleyes:

Been using the M98B with canted sights mostly (the odd quick swap to 20x) its both really fun and highly irritating depending on how the "netcode" is behaving at any one time :S its easy mode gun for sniping though as for short range no adjustment needed - slight adjustment for out to about 250m and the "200m" mark covers any real range on most maps except the odd super long range shot without having to bother doping.
Reinstalled this for the 3rd time to pass the month until DS2 comes out. Had a surprisingly good few rounds (no disconnects), things easier with ACE52 unlocked.
Nothing at all noobish with any of the ACE weapons. High ROF and decent ability to control recoil make them some of my goto guns.

People who winge about players that use them lack any sort of moral fibre and skill.
Had a bit of a strange thing happen was playing golmund railway farting about with the regular lav nearest the cap point closest to the Chinese spawn and had a weird howling sound come through my headphones right earpiece. Near cacked myself when it happened, no comms programs in use or anything so no idea wtf it was. :eek::confused:
Been using the M98B with canted sights mostly (the odd quick swap to 20x) its both really fun and highly irritating depending on how the "netcode" is behaving at any one time :S its easy mode gun for sniping though as for short range no adjustment needed - slight adjustment for out to about 250m and the "200m" mark covers any real range on most maps except the odd super long range shot without having to bother doping.

I should try the canted sights as I tend to play as an aggressive sniper and not sit miles away from the objective ontop of a hill being chopper bait. :D

Been a bit of a noob and really liking the ACE 23 atm :D

I don't get on with that gun I much prefer the Scar H, can't see the mass appeal with it, however since the AWS came out I tend to find people moaning about that gun on battlelog. :p
It can be quite challenging as the game tends to be dominated by LMG spam and other easy mode weapons which with the supression system, etc. and the unreliability of making critical shots "connect" due to the netcode can result in a lot of frustration and wonder why your trying to persevere with a skill required approach when you can results much easier with other weapons :|

I do find it rewarding when it comes together though.
Been playing with the Stealth Jet a lot more recently, it's actually a lot of fun when you manage to stay alive for a while :D

Still haven't unlocked everything though, is there any point using Passive Radar over Heatseekers by the way?
Been playing with the Stealth Jet a lot more recently, it's actually a lot of fun when you manage to stay alive for a while :D

Still haven't unlocked everything though, is there any point using Passive Radar over Heatseekers by the way?

I use heatseekers (for choppers) as its not like you have much of a chance taking out boats and vehicles. Main role of stealth jet IMO is to take down other aircraft, namely steath/attack jets/AC130 and chopper pilots. If you have two good jet pilots working together you can very quickly turn around a game of paracel storm in my experience. Only thing that really ****es me off is active radar. Why DICE, why????
Good fun tonight. That was so funny in the lav at golmund, I ain't never seen that. For those that weren't on, was charging to f as enemy had it, it was late game. I rolled past another tank of ours that was engaging enemy tank on f. I fired my tow just from behind our tank, but as I fired the tank used smoke I think as a staff shell or something was heading towards us. Well my tow missile quickly got confused, did a big circle around the back of my lav and exploded right in my rear lol.

Outrageous as gord likes to say
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