The Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

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GTX680 turning up tomorrow due to my 580 dying a death. Will make sure I shadowplay some cool stuff for ya'll as I should be playing the moment it's available.


:p BB linked me to someones vid last night, where you get killed by a snipers suav xD
Let me guess, Symthic vs YouTubers match? I think I was getting raeped more uCav's more than SUAV's but I've been done by both :(

SUAV'd a whole loada DICE EA guys in the LVLBF + EA + Youtubers match

edit...wait wut...2 cards..bluegh, don't want the stutter thank you very muuuuch :P
Is the server the OCUK platoon use to be found without trawling though page after page, and do want to knife Nexus18, and some of the GPU nerds like private matt:):)
We mainly play on Corsair, BuG and others.. No single server really.. Well such OcUK luminaries as Nexus, Josh, Atomic, BL and are available to knife. LtMatt doesn't play BF4 as far as I know, well maybe some on CQ247 but a lot of the old 247 guys don't play BF4 from what they said.
Thats how much the DLCs cost unless you buy premium. Premium gets you them 2 weeks early in addition to giving you a discount on buying them all in bulk.

Its been out for a month so I would have expected to have it by now for non-premium member.
Yeah he does seem a bit of a tank whore, ah well C4 it is then :D

Good luck, I have been trying to get his tags since October.

As for the C4, not many slip past his radar to get them on his tank. He normally has some very good gunners who run prox scan.
Yeah he does seem a bit of a tank whore, ah well C4 it is then :D

I'm more of an M2 SLAM noob myself, you don't have to make a successful getaway, and then there's the few moments while the vehicle driver sighs with relief before moving off, just before the wailing starts. :D

My favorite was an AA on Paracel. Guy runs up to my AA with C4, I panic, get out and try to shoot him, he nicks my AA and I feel the shame. 2 mins later, I'm in the trenches as he is repping the AA from a boat confrontation with the aa parked over the trench. 3 SLAMs on the underside and a giggle later ;)
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I aint paying any more money for this game, the main game itself is still flawed.

Fair enough, but you don't get DLC for free. You have to pay for it. This isn't affected by the 2 week early access that premium members (who have already bought the DLC in advance) get.

They aren't about to start giving away free DLC because some people aren't happy with the game. From an EA shareholders point of view, battlefield has done very well. Shareholders don't care about hit registration or netcode. But they will care if EA starts giving away content for free.
Let me guess, Symthic vs YouTubers match? I think I was getting raeped more uCav's more than SUAV's but I've been done by both :(

SUAV'd a whole loada DICE EA guys in the LVLBF + EA + Youtubers match

edit...wait wut...2 cards..bluegh, don't want the stutter thank you very muuuuch :P

stutter? dunno what ya talking about bruv! buttery smooth biscuit base over here mate.

enjoy playing on low beans ;) :p EYE CANDY FTW!!! :D Ultra settings, sweetFX, 120+FPS .....***** flying everywhere xD but now... I have been spoiled .... just like BF3...I'll refuse to play BF4 without swetFX now. everything is so sharp and pretty!

My ts dropped out for a while last night....oh wait, that was josh kicking me after I srawed him 4 times whilst he was roof wookie-ing on yawn breaker

hahaha! and I was giving him the ammos I believe....building..... right by your deployment, between A and B on that little ledge ;) think I gunned down a good 10 inf from that position too. LMG vs Snipers xD LMG wins haha
Josh, do you want some practice for your new IT job? I need to install teamspeak via SSH and FTP, it is on CentOS and all CLI. You get superadmin along with myself in return :P
Josh, do you want some practice for your new IT job? I need to install teamspeak via SSH and FTP, it is on CentOS and all CLI. You get superadmin along with myself in return :P

All I read there is blah de blah de blah de blah! No idea...:D
Hmm, might actually jump on for a few games tonight, anyone else going to be on??

Is the server the OCUK platoon use to be found without trawling though page after page, and do want to knife Nexus18, and some of the GPU nerds like private matt:):)

As joe said, no particular server, just pick whatever there is with a good ping and about 10+ free slots :p Kill the server or get banned, find another random server :D

hehe, the only maps you will stand a good chance of that happening is on lockers, flood zone and "sometimes" siege & zavod since I am either in a jet, boat, tank, lav or aa on most of the other maps :p

Good luck, I have been trying to get his tags since October.

As for the C4, not many slip past his radar to get them on his tank. He normally has some very good gunners who run prox scan.

Think I have got your tag's about 2 or 3 times now, one was a counter knife on flood zone! :D :p

Got to love gunners who run prox scan ;)

This will be hard to do while he's jetting about, maybe if you can parachute past him and defib him out of the jet?

I've tried and failed to sneak up on his tank a few times. :p

lol :D

Yeah he does seem a bit of a tank whore, ah well C4 it is then :D

come at me bro! :p

My ts dropped out for a while last night....oh wait, that was josh kicking me after I srawed him 4 times whilst he was roof wookie-ing on yawn breaker



Blacklines and netphreak where up there too, all being roof camping noobs! :p
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