The Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

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I'm not sure why everybody is being so negative about this.

We all agreed that battlefield wasn't ready for release, and needed more time to be finished, and shouldn't have been released in a broken state. "They should have delayed the launch and only release a finished game" they said.

Fast forward 6 months and they are potentially about to release another broken product and decide to do the right thing, and delay the launch until they can get it fixed and release a finished product.

And how the fans cry about that too ? DICE can't win.

It wouldn't even have to be that big to get the fanbase taking to battlelog to complain about releasing a broken update. This is DICE trying to do the right thing and not release another broken product, but DICE can't win either way.

Im just saying that to leave it until the day of release to say `sorry not ready for pc` is just crazy, surely this should have been picked up before now whatever the bug is?
A more polished game would be welcomed in every respect, and if thats the case then they should concentrate on fixing the core game and rubber banding etc before releasing any new content.
I personally would prefer less add on content and more of a bug free polished experience than more content that just frustrates the end user/community.

It seems games are released more and more these days with far to many bugs and problems for big bucks rather than actually releasing a game with less faults and a better experience. The gaming industry needs a shake up, no other industry would get away with below par products like this industry seems to now a days.

/Rant over

Of course this is just my opinion and others may disagree.
Doesn't the patch and DLC process takes weeks to get clearance from Sony and MS to get ready for release, You can pure tell the pc release was ignored in favour of consoles.
I'm more annoyed they said they would stop development on DLCs until the game was fixed....3rd DLC later.... game still borked....and so is the DLC they are trying to release... which they said they wouldn't, which they now aren't....for now xD

As if the gunship wasn't annoying enough already, guess I just do more jet whoring and rape the noobs who jump in it then!

If you have a good pilot on your team the gunship is just a flying coffin :D

Looking forward to some new maps but I don't want to play them while they are broke so EA can delay as much as they like for me.

As if the gunship wasn't annoying enough already, guess I just do more jet whoring and rape the noobs who jump in it then!

To be fair the 40mm are in need of a buff, they are pathetic. Back when me and Tony were in the gunship on Paracel the other night I could have got more kills by throwing rocks out of the side :D

The 20mm however are very powerful already and I don't really think are in need of much of a buff.
NEW TEAMSPEAK SERVER : (no port required)

In the process of linking domain and subdomain to this IP. It is limited to 32 people at the moment (was 25) due to no license and TS not accepting applications for free licenses at the moment.

Please update the original post to match. The old server will run out of subscription soon.

Insufficient identity security level for this server. You need to improve your identity security level.

Then get some option to start improving it!?

Never seen that before!
Don't get why everyone complains about Premium. I bought Premium on release, I have played 287 hours and it cost me somewhere around £80 to buy them both.

That is 30 pence per hour.

Utter bargain!
NEW TEAMSPEAK SERVER : (no port required)

In the process of linking domain and subdomain to this IP. It is limited to 32 people at the moment (was 25) due to no license and TS not accepting applications for free licenses at the moment.

Please update the original post to match. The old server will run out of subscription soon.

OP updated. :)
Im just saying that to leave it until the day of release to say `sorry not ready for pc` is just crazy, surely this should have been picked up before now whatever the bug is?
A more polished game would be welcomed in every respect, and if thats the case then they should concentrate on fixing the core game and rubber banding etc before releasing any new content.
I personally would prefer less add on content and more of a bug free polished experience than more content that just frustrates the end user/community.

It seems games are released more and more these days with far to many bugs and problems for big bucks rather than actually releasing a game with less faults and a better experience. The gaming industry needs a shake up, no other industry would get away with below par products like this industry seems to now a days.

/Rant over

Of course this is just my opinion and others may disagree.

They've pulled the xbox one version too due to the same bug, with even less notice than the PC version. We still haven't even got an announcement yet. Its just myseriously missing from the xbox store.
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I can't believe they buffed the AC130...

Caspian and Firestorm were 2 of my favourite BF3 maps and the Second Assault incarnations are proof of how more is less, the AC130 being needlessly added is just one of the problems.

When are they going to stop cramming more and more crap into this game, even Carrier Assault mode within a few minutes of playing Jack Frags and LevelCap both said that 32 players seems the ideal amount yet the thing of Battlefield is epic 64 player battles. It just keeps getting further away from Battlefield.

And the netcode is **** :p
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