The Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

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...only because you didn't think of it :D

Totally disgusting...

*good idea though. :D

Had to find a empty server in Australia, ping was epic!

I paid for premium, I want the guns free, don't care about the maps. I don't midn grinding out the unlocks but not spending more time than I need to, just to unlock 2 weapons.

COD roof top camper maps are not something I will ever enjoy.
reported to EA/DICE as clearly stat padding for achievements and not giving EA/Dice enough time for them to release a pack for you to pay them to get those unlocks.... HOW COULD YOU GUYS!?!!??!?! :p

but I want dat D'Eagle though!!! ;)

some fun rounds on vanilla last night :) pretty close round too ending 15-0 :D much more exciting that wining 750-0 (starting at 800 tickets :p )

induced some rage/mad from a player on resort. I went on the roof for C to check for enemies.... was clear then the lift was coming up so c4'd just in case.... got a kill... then calls me a camper and mutters something in a different language... I was up there for less than a min! :p then of course when I got up later on he's up there on the higher level with his sniper rifle pointed into the lift with barely his head exposed.... still only hit me one and I ran away to safety xD

also on zavod I went on some mad (not that mad really) run with the pick up 50cal. sure I was on D roof being a camper but..... **** it :p haha. was just trying not to over think and just drag shoot and.... it worked! got quite a few kills and only a few misses. think I got the pilot (could have been a repper) out of the little bird :D
The update has memory leak galore with Mantle, by the second map my BF4.exe was using 10GB of ram.
Also getting the random map not loading bug again with the black screen and the cursor and have to repair the install once it starts happening.
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Love when its super close like that and one of the main reasons why I like Zavod so much. Game can turn very quickly if you get lazy.
The one thing I would like to change is the apparent majority view that the only legit play style is Assault with an assault rifle. I'm not as good as the twitch cqb kids so I play the way I think I can contribute best, either DMR or LMG midrange picking off who I can. Seems to elicit some nerd rage sometimes though!

It's not, if you run Assault on a proper vehicle map I hate you. Stuff like Zavod and Flood Zone is alright, but Golmud and Silk Road?!?! Just use a damn carbine and get a rocket launcher/C4!!!

Also why did I forget to leave it downloading overnight :(

Hmmm, I will have to check my memory usage later tonight and see what it is like, dx 11 was just a stuttering mess for me though, mantle was super great.

Yeah getting Nexus to stand still was a ballache! :p

OMG cheater. :p


Totally disgusting...

*good idea though. :D

2ez :D

Josh had his best kill streak ever as well!


And I had my worse k/d EVER!!!!! :(

Like Josh, I cba doing these stupid ass achievements just to get one gun, if I didn't do it that way, it would have taken forever (more the getting 5 kills whilst swimming) Could have probably got the 20 headshots with the unica rather quickly in a round though.

Bulldog is incredibly easy to unlock, got it done within one round on that lumphino gardens map.

TBH, I actually think I might prefer the unica over the deagle, just prefer how it feels to use :confused:
Love when its super close like that and one of the main reasons why I like Zavod so much. Game can turn very quickly if you get lazy.

hehe I know right. I even had to check the score board a few times to check the OCUK wrecking crew were still in as we didn't have all the flags :p

damn slackers :p I was all over C, D and E... they were my houses!! :D

also origin is so stupid! logged on last night, booted up origin... no updates. ok I thought, better I "checked for updates"... nothing... ah nice! must hav done the patch already. play some vanilla...all's good!

then go to join a mate on DT DLC.... get a pop up in BL saying this requires additional content and to go to the link and THEN it starts to download the 7GB patch...

wow....... so you don't consider that an update? considering I'm a premium super elite player?! didn;t matter much as it fly by with origin claiming around 12MB/sec.... (despite the most I've had on the line is 9.4MB/s :p ) but then there was a was late.... I went to bed :p
I see what they mean by propaganda feeling like a BF map. Multiple flags which are spaced quite far apart which could often make for quite intense firefights which would sometimes mean that you lose multiple flags in the process.

May sound weird but it reminded me of how harvest day plays.
The 5 'from the water' kills, does that have to be in a single round?

Its fairly easy to get. I got most of mine on that new map with the destroyed train and the Chinese buildings. Just hang about in the waterways with a pistol.

The achievements this time are not that hard, more of a grind.
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