The Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

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SHHHHHHHHHHHH you two noobs!!! I learn from the best noobs ;) :D :p

Although tbf, I think the unica is better for close range engagements, more stable/less recoil and better hipfire

Deagle with its higher damage model and bigger magazine is better for me though!
close range engagements, more stable/less recoil and better hipfire, higher damage model and bigger

You 1 shot people with a knfie from 200m what are you worried about!

Also completley forgot...Got Nexus's tags last night! Yes
lol setter did you see the flying guy ? :D

he started running then just started flying :confused::eek::p

he said havent you got a jetpack ? :D
Yep, seen a few strange examples like that on that server. Also got accused of hacking, with a 13/10 kd ratio. Id need to be looking for a refund for that hack.:D
OMG, just played my first DT map, Pearl Market, what a crock of ****. Too many alleyways, to many cross sections, way to many roofs to camp, too many windows to shoot out from, a total cluster **** of a map design. The guys that design these maps must be retarded to think this is what Battlefield is about.
I have a minor problem which has just happened, had the same thing around a year ago.
My mouse G700 doesn’t seem to poll correctly, when firing on auto the gun will stop a couple of times through the clip as though I’ve taken my figure off the mouse, kinda hard when you run round a corner for a bit of spray and prey and 2 bullets come out and the gun stops firing for a second.

Any ideas?
OMG, just played my first DT map, Pearl Market, what a crock of ****. Too many alleyways, to many cross sections, way to many roofs to camp, too many windows to shoot out from, a total cluster **** of a map design. The guys that design these maps must be retarded to think this is what Battlefield is about.

Thats the one we were on last night, I last about 2mins longer that Nexus due to the fact it was just like that. Terrible map deisgn.
I have a minor problem which has just happened, had the same thing around a year ago.
My mouse G700 doesn’t seem to poll correctly, when firing on auto the gun will stop a couple of times through the clip as though I’ve taken my figure off the mouse, kinda hard when you run round a corner for a bit of spray and prey and 2 bullets come out and the gun stops firing for a second.

Any ideas?

could be wear on the mouse switches. I know I had this with my older razer diamond back mouse. I could press and hold the mouse and it would register... but if I kept letting off the pressure it would stop registering before the switch would get to the off position. and I could apply more pressure back on the mouse and it would then register again. (so going on, off, and on again without actually letting it switch "click" off)

took my mouse apart and sure enough the little tabs used to press on the switches had actually worn away little grooves so the switches didn't travel as much.

quick fix I did was cut a few little squares of masking tape and stuck them onto the end of the tabs xD ghetto as **** but it worked ;)

could be something simple as that.... or there could be usb interference or some ****? (remember when I bought my k90 keyboard, that interfered with the mouse until i put the latest drivers on there and rebooted). that was more drastic though and the entire mouse would stop, no movement, lights or clicks :p
OMG, just played my first DT map, Pearl Market, what a crock of ****. Too many alleyways, to many cross sections, way to many roofs to camp, too many windows to shoot out from, a total cluster **** of a map design. The guys that design these maps must be retarded to think this is what Battlefield is about.

I've not played it yet due to jack basically saying the same thing. You need to play propaganda.
I have a minor problem which has just happened, had the same thing around a year ago.
My mouse G700 doesn’t seem to poll correctly, when firing on auto the gun will stop a couple of times through the clip as though I’ve taken my figure off the mouse, kinda hard when you run round a corner for a bit of spray and prey and 2 bullets come out and the gun stops firing for a second.

Any ideas?

G700 is a wireless mouse isn't it? Or you keep it plugged in while playing?
The mouse has had a bit of hammer now, so it might be worth looking into.
I also have a K70 keyboard where my USB for the mouse was located, but moving this hasn’t had any effect.
It seems to be worse when I try and burst fire from a distance, thinking it’s gotta the switches
Had a round just now on lumpy gardens, nothing but a stutter fest, screen bouncing up and down sort of like when an explosion go's off.
OMG, just played my first DT map, Pearl Market, what a crock of ****. Too many alleyways, to many cross sections, way to many roofs to camp, too many windows to shoot out from, a total cluster **** of a map design. The guys that design these maps must be retarded to think this is what Battlefield is about.

Yup, never playing that map again, if it is ever the next map in whatever server I am on, I will be leaving straight away, let the camper pros play there!

The worse map in the history of BF imho. At least lockers and metro (in bf 3) are fun...

You 1 shot people with a knfie from 200m what are you worried about!

Also completley forgot...Got Nexus's tags last night! Yes

I even have a bipod for my knife now!!!!


Doesn't count! :p

I knew you were going to do that though, should have knifed you first :D
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