The Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

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GTX 870/880 apparently coming out in November - so I'll hold off on an upgrade.

Where's the cheapest BF3 premium? I'd like to get it as I had great fun playing it before, loved all the DLC (going about in the Aftermath and Endgame jeeps was amazing :D).
This seems to be a reoccurring theme for you.

this is badboy :p he uninstalls and reinatalls games more frequently than he changes underwear (and he's got good hygiene ;) ) ... not to mention on his quarterly PC turn around :p

I almost completely lost it last night at something so simple... but incredibly frustrating. Joined on BB for some rounds of HC. did alright, picked up some people, threw my medic bag about. then the map changed to sunken dragon... GREAT!!! I thought to myself... I might be able to ninja my way to activating the flood gates.

because I'm so boss and my pc is uber I was first to spawn in on my team on el quad bike and set off on my journey. then this is where things went wrong... some random pug spawned on me.... stayed on and as I bailed and made my way up the stairs I had a feeling he was following me.

half way up the stairs... *BANG* shotgun to the back... team killed... proceeded to ask him wtf he thought he was doing only to get the reply.... "sorry my finger slipped"

so I flamed and called him a few choice words, reiterated my opinion that he's a "see you next tuesday" and just alt-f4. ofcourse I get multiple warnings for swearing but TKing seems completely fine and nonpunishable... great... if I was sat next to the guy irl I probably would have slapped him across the back of my head with my metal k90 keyboard. :mad:

wish I had stayed and just tk'd him for the entire round now. :D :o

yes I am mad bro yolo. luckily nothing got broken :p just watched nonsense on youtube instead.
Sigh battlelog gone awol again
"Service Unavailable
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Reference #6.74e7b5c.1405685334.31620d66 "
Working ok here, was just going to ask, WTF is a Luggage Battlepack!? I've just got one with some paint job in it....!?
I don't know about you guys but I build my rage up at work and then use BF4 to unleash the fury :D

On another note, I've been having fantastic games on Lumphini Garden. The SCAR is fantastic on that map. I actually like it more than Propaganda.
If you can't beat em, join them. I still remember the metro backrape with the Dart - good times.

EDIT: Or the C4 bug where you could spawn, lay down loads of C4, respawn on other side and hit the trigger :D To which you would see the chat light up with KIWI CHEATER, KIWI CHEATER ROFL
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