Not played for a while, but when I returned for a try, all I keep getting is:
Anyone got a fix for this?
Doesn't matter what expansion it is, they all want downloaded and installed despite already been installed and verified.
taken the following from the EA forums :
# Completely close the Origin client
# Open REGEDIT (start > execute)
***its run, not execute on my system ***, if run isn't showing type regedit in the search box after pressing start.
# Find \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\EA Games\Battlefield 4\Xpack0
There should be a REG_SZ entry called "installed" with "True". If the data is "false"
double click on the line and type in "true" and click ok.
If you are missing the entries, create them by right clicking in the empty space in the right part of
the registry editor and choose "string value" and enter the name "installed" (or rename to installed by
right clicking the entry.) Double click on the entry to open it and enter as value date: true and click ok.
# Repeat the same for the next:
Find \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\EA Games\Battlefield 4\Xpack1
Find \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\EA Games\Battlefield 4\Xpack2
Find \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\EA Games\Battlefield 4\Xpack3
# If Xpack0, Xpack1 and Xpack2 are not showing, create them by right clicking on Battlefield 4, select "key" and
fill in Xpack0 as the name. Repeat for Xpack1 and Xpack2.
Xpack0 = Second Assault
Xpack1 = China Rising
Xpack2 = Naval Strike
Xpack3 = Dragon's Teeth