The Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

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I have no idea how we lasted so long in it last night, even with me and chippy repping.

That other LB couldn't hit anything and neither could the rest of their team.
Still alive. The beer is cold and free, the sun is hot and the moody clothing is cheap.

Getting morr ISIS references than I would like but won't complain. The beard is heliping with the bartering!
I have no idea how we lasted so long in it last night, even with me and chippy repping.

That other LB couldn't hit anything and neither could the rest of their team.

Didn't help that all he did was sing when I was trying to alert him that there was a chopper behind us...

Still alive. The beer is cold and free, the sun is hot and the moody clothing is cheap.

Getting morr ISIS references than I would like but won't complain. The beard is heliping with the bartering!

Good to hear you're still alive, unless they've beheaded you and assumed your identity...

TS hasn't been the same without you mate... it's more fun :p
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Yeah sorry to break to it you Josh but we have all decided to perma ban you from TS!


Hope you are having fun and more importantly I hope you like banshee ;)
Got this today after playing it on EA Game Time a few weeks back. Currently a tenner on Amazon.

I'm getting terrible lag though. The game just chokes up maybe 50% of the time any action is happening close-by (me shooting someone, someone shooting me, explosions). It's not ping - the game just freezes, stutters a bit and then carries on a few seconds later. Makes it a very frustrating experience. I thought this game was fixed? I don't remember having these issues during Game Time...
had a very odd few games last night. seemed to get hit by every random thing in the game in two rounds :p

random you were killed in actions, weird explosive shots, random m320/rocket launcher kills. was some twilight zone stuff :D

when its like that you know its not going well :p
I had some odd games last night too, got spawn killed a lot.

One game, the best guy on the other team was tearing into us until I got his play style and started to counter effectively (He has suspiciously good stats but could be legit given the play style). We just managed to turn it around and win by less than 50 tickets. The rage was sweet.
i spawned first game instantly hit by the remote controlled plane :p then i ran through a building a guy dropped c4 on me :D spawned again a random guy shot a mbt law from across map killed me :p

just random stuff multiplied by 100 :D

couldnt get mad it was just so random :p
Not played this for a wile now and just updating. Don't have any of the add on's. Any I should get that are worth the money ?
Just played a round of CTE and it seems lots of the bugs which were there on day 1 of the CTE final stand testing are back :eek:
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