I'm going through a very tough period with my dad again hence why i've not been playing much. He's been in hospital now for 8 days, and on top of his COPD, they have now found a dark spot on his left lung which looks like it's cancer. Because of his very bad health anyway, they can't diagnose properly by biopsy so the docs and more so dad, have said it's best to give dad a quality of life now and let nature take it's course. Been a pretty horrific week or two, having the priest give his blessing today after dad wanted me and mum in there because he thought he was going at 8am. Docs reckon 6 months at best, my wedding is in 7 months so as you can imagine I'm distraught at the moment. Not been in the mood to talk on TS and such, every day I'm just so scared and having to go in and out of hospital, I'm quite deflated, real tough time.