The Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

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Apparently they now say it only bypasses the need for a chipped tag. You still need all the other PP stuff. :)

I'd assume it will get patched soon.

Yep. :)

Spawning on squad cant be done in the room, hell you cant even crouch.

Cheers, trying to find the exact instructions but no-one had "yes you defiantly have to do this"..

Time to get the other assignments done!
There is a new vid from JF's but I'm too scared to post it in case it has bad words in it, dont want another suspension...... ;)
Whilst I like this kind of 'community interaction' the sheer number of hoops and other crap you need to be through makes it next to impossible to do it without being in an organised group. This kind of thing is next to impossible to do by yourself which annoys me.
Went wireless because wired through ethernet wasn't an option anymore, bought a Netgear A6200, was fine playing battlefield. Now when I go to play, in the server browser it shows the ping as 20/30s but when I join a game it's in the high hundreds?
Whilst I like this kind of 'community interaction' the sheer number of hoops and other crap you need to be through makes it next to impossible to do it without being in an organised group. This kind of thing is next to impossible to do by yourself which annoys me.

Its not too bad, as long as you have the right camo's etc you can just jump in the lift with a group of guys on a random server. (theres a lot of 'get the bow' servers out there at the mo)

The only 'teamwork' part is having one of each map tag, if theres enough on the server chances are you'll have the right tags between you all. :)

Though finding the tags is a ball ache....

Tonight I will be on the bow only servers getting the black tag.
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Some pretty decent SRAW's and some tank gameplay. Also features Nexus sniping a jet from range.
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Nice little vid man, really like the intro and outro too. vvn Loved the Westie SRAW, how dare you shoot at his LB lol. And that Nexarse tank round at the end was epic.

Mynight....always lead choppers with the sraw, never keep it aimed on it. Works better judging the distance and path of rocket into the flight of whatever is flying.
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you just get used to flight time for the rocket to the target and get an eye for it mate, takes a bit of pracrice but it's the way to kill. Joe explained it better than me :)

I'll be on tonight, although I seem to have a little issue at the moment with BF4 not responding. Cleaned out my Registry last night, had over a thousand critical errors and redid drivers etc, hopefully that sorts it tonight.
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Sounds good bud, just try and keep the missile going towards the target rather than worrying about the crosshair. There are then loads of advanced tricks to the SRAW to learn :D

If you are in front of a tank, fire in the air 45-60 degrees above the tank, wait until the missile is past the tank then re peek, aim at the tank and it should (if done right) come back and hit it in the ass for max dmg shot. If a heli is behind a building let the SRAW fly past the building, aim at the building where you thnk the heli is and it'll come back and hit it but that is VERY hard to do.

Then there are flicks you can do as well see my vid here for an example Flick shot at 3m 13secs ;)
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