The Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

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WOW crinkleshoes is back. Just to let you guys know who this is, he is a cheater (very bad cheater tho) who got caught in BF3, wouldn't surprise me if he's cheating in BF4 as well.

God never buy astro's....jeez lousie. All you ever need to know about headsets / headphones below.

If your budget is bigger...

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+1 for those Tek videos.

gad so many problems with fk1 shape and left and right buttons are so bad on them, there's also a latency delay with fk1 buttons its minimal but **** like

Man, I was looking at getting the FK1 or an EC1 but this would really bug me. Might just yolo it and try out the Deathadder.
ScreaM has just got the chroma going from 2013 and he loves it.. I had the 2013 for a few years.. I now traded fk1 for a g302 and couldn't be happier amazing mouse... Heard the g402 and 502 are highly recommended aswell..

Even the guy I traded the fk1 too couldn't get on with it and has now put it on eBay :(
^ Cos EA (Maybe belated punishment for using a name similar to Matimi0?)

1 level to go now till the bucket is full 11one1!
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My office temp is currently 2C, the heating has broken.

So my already sterling mood is now even better. Come at me DICE
I need to go home and not speak to anyone else today.

Phone at work rings, I answer "Josh I've just exited a ms word doc without saving it, been working on it all day and not saved it since 9am - anything I can do?"

Me - "Nope, maybe press save next time"

Then I get told I am useless.


My suggestion for him to take his face for a ****, didn't go down well.
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