The Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

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Hazard - he couldn't see it because he didn't have his 40x camping scope on like most night ;)

No games for me today Josh, someone phone in sick so I'm rescuing 8 jobs all at double bubble, to hard to turn down that money.

Edit: Ah that makes more sense :p

Do you think he's using his speakers with the mic on his headset just sat on the desk?

No games for me at the moment, that was horrific. :(
Next they will be operating on his eye to fit the targeting module:


Hope you have a speedy recovery!

AA CAMPING command center. Surprised u haven't got pictures of it on the wall. Lol


Some very nice looking setups here! :cool:

Had to move the monitor forward a fair bit last night when playing bf 4, way too far back, could barely make out people :p
Quick question to those who have 120Hz monitors and run SLI/XFire setups.

In your config or frame rate limiter software (MSI AB, EVGA Precision X etc) what is
GameTime.MaxVariableFps set at?

Quick question to those who have 120Hz monitors and run SLI/XFire setups.

In your config or frame rate limiter software (MSI AB, EVGA Precision X etc) what is
GameTime.MaxVariableFps set at?


I have 144Hz and telll BF4 to run at 135. It may not be optimal, but it works for me. IIRC Joe was suggesting this should be set much higher.
I don't use AB or PrecisionX
Skinhead skinhead running through the night
Skinhead skinhead looking for a fight


Wish you well mate, looks uncomfortable.

Will be on later, been a busy day today.

Loving the Romper reference.

I'm a punk not a skinhead - I don't care what colour people are - I generally hate everyone :D
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