Was with nexus mod manager which is very easy to set up. There are a couple via the workshop but nexus mod manager is much easier.
The best ones were High res texture pack 1,2 3. K ENB pure light, Better dynamic snow, Better embers, verdant (changes grass), flora overhaul, (sounds of skyrim) dungeons, civilations, animals. Which puts many more sounds into skyrim sounds awesome. Realistic lighting, town and villages enhanced, moss rocks, enhanced blood, dynamic fires, pure waters, real glaciers, lush grass and trees, saturation boost, immersive spells, wet and cold, pure weather, shadows (skyrim,weather tweaks, dawnguard), palistov spinning arrow, dual sheith, dual parry, smart cast, SKYUI, a quality world map. Loads of videos dependant on what your looking for regarding the best mods.
Make sure you get SKYUI . SKYUI is a much more pc, keyboard + mouse menu's. Makes it far easier. I get all my mods from here mainly.