The best 4K games you've played?

I can imagine some strategy games would look awesome at 4k. You'd get to see much more of the map than you can do normally and you'd be better prepared to make strategic decisions.

I've never completed StarCraft 2, so if I can into it I'll see what the visuals are like. Possibly Civ V actually...
Alien Isolation will look seriously incredible but make sure you add the tweaks, they aren't mods but instead you'll head into the install directory and enable shaders then expand wide FOV levels.

The difference is stunning and the game is easily the best movie world recreation we've ever seen.

I won't post screenshot in case you flip that lid again (hehe) but head over to the game thread and check out the screen shots.
Alien Isolation will look seriously incredible but make sure you add the tweaks, they aren't mods but instead you'll head into the install directory and enable shaders then expand wide FOV levels.

The difference is stunning and the game is easily the best movie world recreation we've ever seen.

I won't post screenshot in case you flip that lid again (hehe) but head over to the game thread and check out the screen shots.

Played a little earlier, but not enough to judge, it runs great on my setup I have established though.

The main reason I flipped my lid was that the pictures were distorted when first put up, and I felt this would kill a useful thread. I thought he was taking the ****, but they're up now as he took no notice of my request, and pictures really don't sway me.

For example. When I was thinking of a 4k setup I looked at some Witcher 3 4k pics and thought it made the game look worse. I said that and someone replied basically saying it looks a lot better in real life. It does. So since that I take screen shots with a pinch of salt.

Love the atmosphere and acting so far in Isolation, but have just begun it. Thanks for recommending it :)
I was thinking of the Total War series of games. Total War: Shogun 2 would be awesome (the later Total War games kinda suck).

Got this game and have downloaded it. When the first Total War came out it was Shogan wasn't it? I loved it. Looking forward to playing this.

Okay, got around to play another recommendation, Battlefield 4 and WOW it has blown me away. It looks amazing. I stopped playing it once my team saved the Chinese people, so started playing it again from there. Only problem is it seems half mouse and half gamepad, which is a minor annoyance but I will complete this now!

That is what 4k has done for me, it has brought tons more immersion that makes me want to complete games. Best investment for a while I've made, in the sense that I'm getting my monies worth from games I bought but never completed.
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a somewhat random one here. Warframe, mainly just because of all the flashy neon lighting effects. only problem is the lack of sli/xfire support

When I have my smoke break I'm switching to this forum(playing BF4) :)

Yeah, I played that on the PS4 when I had one it was okay. Not a game I would play long term due to not having time(I've got about 200 games to complete, plus new releases, plus sessions on games I already like, like Skyrim).

Since it was designed for next gen ie PS4, I could imagine it looking good. Might try it sometime based on your recommendation.

I think a guy on here said any game from 14/15, but I think that is not entirely correct. I think BF3 was 2013, will check. Warframe may of been 2013, I know it come out early in the PS4 release.

I think it's the Frostbite engine BF4 uses, whatever it is it's amazing. Constant 60FPS on Ultra 4k with my 980ti. 4k gaming really is affordable with the right card and a g-sync monitor for the games that run around the 30fps to 45fps, like Dragon Age Inquisition, and Witcher 3 with all the settings top, as it makes them look like they're 60FPS.

I just wish we got more finely tuned games like BF4 on the PC, it really is amazing. Up there with Tomb Raider, and it could beat Advanced Warfare, will see, as I plan to complete that too.
When I have my smoke break I'm switching to this forum(playing BF4) :)

Yeah, I played that on the PS4 when I had one it was okay. Not a game I would play long term due to not having time(I've got about 200 games to complete, plus new releases, plus sessions on games I already like, like Skyrim).

Since it was designed for next gen ie PS4, I could imagine it looking good. Might try it sometime based on your recommendation.

I think a guy on here said any game from 14/15, but I think that is not entirely correct. I think BF3 was 2013, will check. Warframe may of been 2013, I know it come out early in the PS4 release.

I think it's the Frostbite engine BF4 uses, whatever it is it's amazing. Constant 60FPS on Ultra 4k with my 980ti. 4k gaming really is affordable with the right card and a g-sync monitor for the games that run around the 30fps to 45fps, like Dragon Age Inquisition, and Witcher 3 with all the settings top, as it makes them look like they're 60FPS.

I just wish we got more finely tuned games like BF4 on the PC, it really is amazing. Up there with Tomb Raider, and it could beat Advanced Warfare, will see, as I plan to complete that too.
warframe wasn't technically designed for consoles, it was in beta (still is) for like a year and half i think before it got it's console release, they just ported it to consoles. it's not an amazing game tbh but one i used to play a bit of a year or so ago, if you just want to check out some cool visual effects on a 4k you cant go wrong, It was the first game i redownloaded when i got my 4k just to check out how much better it would look. Just dont expect to much from it on the gameplay department, it's a fun hack and slash game for a little while but grows old fairly fast unless you're one of those completionist kinda people.
warframe wasn't technically designed for consoles, it was in beta (still is) for like a year and half i think before it got it's console release, they just ported it to consoles. it's not an amazing game tbh but one i used to play a bit of a year or so ago, if you just want to check out some cool visual effects on a 4k you cant go wrong, It was the first game i redownloaded when i got my 4k just to check out how much better it would look. Just dont expect to much from it on the gameplay department, it's a fun hack and slash game for a little while but grows old fairly fast unless you're one of those completionist kinda people.

That sounds interesting. An actual PC game that got ported to a console for a change. Will add it on my to do list :)
Kingdoms of Amular tested. Fable like graphics that don't look amazing in 4k. The character models let this game down graphically.

However, it is a fantastic game, I forgot how enjoyable it was to play. Will try to find time to complete this as it has a high pedigree of talent. Voice acting good, story written by acclaimed fantasy writer and probably the best open world combat of any RPG I've played.

Really fun game, IGN give it a 9, shame it doesn't look stunning, not shallow but it's the immersion thing that's driving me at the moment. It also has a bug, you cannot see your quests in 4k, or fates.

Battlefield 4 session stopped because of a bug would you believe, considering it has been out for ages. Can't walk up some stairs to get a rocket launcher to take out a helicopter on the South China mission because an A.I. soldier is blocking the stairs and there is no way of getting past him, unless he dies, but he didn't die from the helicopter onslaught so stuck and really disappointed.
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Of course there's 4K and there's 4K :)

What I mean is I play some games on a 40" UHD monitor so the pixel density is the same as my 34" 1440 monitor. I've not played on a 27/28" 4K UHD monitor so maybe I haven't quite experienced all that 4K UHD has to offer yet.

Regardless everything I've played has been mentioned but yeah Vanishing of Ethan Carter is the stand out game for the photogrammetry but then it's not much of a game though sadly.
Mad Max looks pretty good in 4k. Single 980ti and everything turned up runs beautifully.

However one of first games I played after getting 4k is Far Cry 4. I spent half my time running upto tree's rocks etc and looking how amazing it was. Vistas are actually stunning driving about and looking out the window and admiring the scenery !
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