The best WoW news yet!

30 Aug 2003
Taken from here

Cross-Realm Battlegrounds
For the first time in the history of World of Warcraft, you will be able to face off against players from other realms in the Battlegrounds. Coming in patch 1.12 are cross-realm PvP Battlegrounds, linking Alterac Valley, Warsong Gulch, and Arathi Basin so that players from several realms will be combined into one huge matchmaking pool. Replenish your mana, sharpen your blades, and get ready for the biggest battles yet!

World PvP
While the Battlegrounds are about to receive a major upgrade of their own, players interested in World PvP will be glad to hear that patch 1.12 will introduce a brand-new type of PvP content to the game. The stage is set for objective-based land battles of truly epic proportions as Horde and Alliance vie for control over important strategic positions and resources around Azeroth. Stay tuned for more news about these new world PvP enhancements coming to World of Warcraft.
Still not slightly tempted to reactivate, in fact I'm put off by those changes. The average BNet crowd isn't the best community to interact with but having the same people to fight with and against on a regular basis is what builds a community.

There'll need to be way more changes than that for PVP to become a fun option again. Combat needs to be prolonged so that 1v1s or smaller battles are decided more by skill than critting and insta-gibbing someone. Not to mention you have a huge advantage in PVP if you get your gear via PVE'ing.

Thanks but no thanks :o
Oh joy lets add another feature.

Sort the lag and issues out with the current PVP system before you start creating bloody havoc with mixed realm battlegrounds

Nikumba said:
Oh joy lets add another feature.

Sort the lag and issues out with the current PVP system before you start creating bloody havoc with mixed realm battlegrounds

Great post, I'm sure they shoulda thought of "just fixing the lag issue"
You do know that some stuff is outside their control, since the EU servers are in France?
sup3rc0w said:
Great post, I'm sure they shoulda thought of "just fixing the lag issue"
You do know that some stuff is outside their control, since the EU servers are in France?

So what if the EU servers are in france, Blizzard are based in Paris.

There are several large EU servers that are on lower specced hardware, there is still constant lag in *** instance servers making some end game instances unplayable.

Its not a question of my connection is bad, the guild has the issue, and the guild is spread all over europe.

but on a side not i see shammys are being left to the end for the respec :)

sup3rc0w said:
Great post, I'm sure they shoulda thought of "just fixing the lag issue"
You do know that some stuff is outside their control, since the EU servers are in France?

aww come on we are talking about a company here that is taking tens of millions of euros every month, enough of the fan boy posts please. if the hosting company can't do the job right sack them and get someone in who can.
when i saw the title of this thread i thought it was going to be about the fee's for wow are to be dropped. sadly not, as this is the main thing that stops me from playing the game. :rolleyes:
fullfat said:
when i saw the title of this thread i thought it was going to be about the fee's for wow are to be dropped. sadly not, as this is the main thing that stops me from playing the game. :rolleyes:

The fee's are what other company's charge, i don't see them dropping it anytime soon. Maybe they might do if they start loosing customers, but why would you want to play then? Most other game's have similar costs, so if your not happy with these prices you wont with any other game.
fullfat said:
when i saw the title of this thread i thought it was going to be about the fee's for wow are to be dropped. sadly not, as this is the main thing that stops me from playing the game. :rolleyes:

Less than 10 quid a month stops you from playing a game that has hundreds of hours gameplay? I take it you dont drive/ have hobbies/ a job :o

I enjoy playing WoW and have just got a new 60 Ally mage. Liking the new patch and looking forward to the next one :)
A little tempted to go back, but the game became a real grind after level 40 for me, not to mention some of the utter wallys i had the misfortune to meet in the game, and that i find is the problem with online games, the people.
dun said:
I take it you dont drive/ have hobbies/ a job :o

whats that got to do with it? driving :confused: hobbies :confused: job :confused:
i dont play any other game that requires monthly fee's, i think its a joke tbh that you have to buy the game and then pay a rental sort of fee for it.
i knew what i said above would stir up some fuss, but at the end of the day its my choice and i wont be paying monthly fee's for gaming.
Buy FEAR, get 10-15 hours of gameplay - £15-20
Buy Quake4, get 10-15 hours of gameplay - £15-20

Buy WoW, get a free month and get 100+ hours of gameplay, then 100+hours of gameplay per month for the bargain amount of ~£10 - Priceless :P

Thats the way i see it, if WoW costs me 240quid over 2 years, its a bargain still because of the enjoyment i have had out of it

thats my 2cp
Hixxy said:
enough of the fan boy posts please.
WOW is the first Blizz game I ever played, so no I'm not a fanboy.
I get annoyed at the 12 year olds who keep on Whining about EVERYTHING, including the server connections etc. Sometimes its the ISP's fualt etc etc, some thing are out of a companies control.And no, their servers arent the 486's you guys make them out to be.
If you hate everything about the game so much and moan about everything, STOP playing their game!
My accounts in total had about 110 days played before I broke free of the addiction. Sweet hell thats 2640 hours. Pretty good value for money if you ask me though.
sup3rc0w said:
WOW is the first Blizz game I ever played, so no I'm not a fanboy.
I get annoyed at the 12 year olds who keep on Whining about EVERYTHING, including the server connections etc. Sometimes its the ISP's fualt etc etc, some thing are out of a companies control.And no, their servers arent the 486's you guys make them out to be.
If you hate everything about the game so much and moan about everything, STOP playing their game!


Then a week-month after the patch, they are either playing again or didnt quit in the first place.

Fact of the matter is, blizzard own the game, they can do what they like, and whatever people say, the servers really arent that bad at all
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