The best WoW news yet!

fullfat said:
whats that got to do with it? driving :confused: hobbies :confused: job :confused:
i dont play any other game that requires monthly fee's, i think its a joke tbh that you have to buy the game and then pay a rental sort of fee for it.
i knew what i said above would stir up some fuss, but at the end of the day its my choice and i wont be paying monthly fee's for gaming.

Without being offensive - you are simply showing your ignorance about this genre of game.

Its like saying "Why do I have to pay BT each month, I bought a telephone!" or "Why do I have to pay my ISP for ADSL, I bought this router??" or "Why do I have to pay for electricity! I paid for my computer already!"

MMORPG's are a service, you pay monthly for services like you do telephone and water and electricity and mmorpgs.

Simple as.
sup3rc0w said:
WOW is the first Blizz game I ever played, so no I'm not a fanboy.
I get annoyed at the 12 year olds who keep on Whining about EVERYTHING, including the server connections etc. Sometimes its the ISP's fualt etc etc, some thing are out of a companies control.And no, their servers arent the 486's you guys make them out to be.
If you hate everything about the game so much and moan about everything, STOP playing their game!

this wasn't a dig at you, just fanboys that seem to pop out of the woodwork whenever anything negative is said about mmorpg companys.

yeah isp's fault thats why when i used to look at my subscriptions page it was as long as my arm with compensated days. do they put up with this in the USA? no.

maybe if a few more people complained instead of making stupid comments and making others think it's ok to accept this quality of service something would get done about it.
Noxis said:
Without being offensive - you are simply showing your ignorance about this genre of game.

Its like saying "Why do I have to pay BT each month, I bought a telephone!" or "Why do I have to pay my ISP for ADSL, I bought this router??" or "Why do I have to pay for electricity! I paid for my computer already!"

MMORPG's are a service, you pay monthly for services like you do telephone and water and electricity and mmorpgs.

Simple as.

im hardly being ignorant. im just choosing not to be part of it. its not for me to pay each month to play a game, it just doesnt settle right with me. ive never done it before and i dont plan on doing so anytime soon. when games like guildwars can do it free of monthly charges....
ive had over 300hrs on battlefield2 and that only cost me £25, ive had a lot of use out of the source games for about £40 and they keep updating the games free too so it is possible to play games without monthly fee's.
Noxis said:
Without being offensive - you are simply showing your ignorance about this genre of game.

Its like saying "Why do I have to pay BT each month, I bought a telephone!" or "Why do I have to pay my ISP for ADSL, I bought this router??" or "Why do I have to pay for electricity! I paid for my computer already!"

MMORPG's are a service, you pay monthly for services like you do telephone and water and electricity and mmorpgs.

Simple as.

Ok. If you are PAYING for a service. This includes, maintainence, support and upgrades and its not `all about the money` then why are they charging you extra money for the update in November for the expansion game?

I thought you paid the money for MMORPG's because the game content was continuely updated. Yet they are charging you more moeny for this update?

And please do not say about cost of servers because they have about 60millions users paying £8 per month. I am sure that they are making enough money to include this update for free.

Now if people were organised and stood together, you simply would not be charged for this. Unfortunately people are far more interested in the next epic item than realising that you are getting violated in the rear. :eek:
bloodline76 said:
Ok. If you are PAYING for a service. This includes, maintainence, support and upgrades and its not `all about the money` then why are they charging you extra money for the update in November for the expansion game?

I thought you paid the money for MMORPG's because the game content was continuely updated. Yet they are charging you more moeny for this update?

And please do not say about cost of servers because they have about 60millions users paying £8 per month. I am sure that they are making enough money to include this update for free.

Now if people were organised and stood together, you simply would not be charged for this. Unfortunately people are far more interested in the next epic item than realising that you are getting violated in the rear. :eek:


Get real.

The updates that blizzard are providing are free. Its the expansion that they will probably charge for. I say probably since in the past companies have charged for expansions. Even the Guild Wars addon had to be bought.

And the £8 per month has to pay the wages of the people running the game (GM's, maintence people, etc), to rent the places where the servers are run, to rent the internet connection, to buy/replace hardware . . .
Plus that £8 has to goto Blizz to pay for developing the game and the expansion. I dare say, that wasnt that cheap, considering that a game like GTA SA cost in the region of $50million to develop.

Oh and Blizzard have about 6.5-7million subscribers world wide ATM. So that £8 for a months worth of gaming delight, goes quite a long way.

Just think, what was the last, non-sub based game that you bought and played it for more than 2 months?

There isnt that many about.

For £8 a month for as much gaming goodness as you can get, its a bargin.
Agree with you 100% Kodiak, well said.

I don't mind paying the £8 per month to play, as well as the initial cost of buying the game, and I will be buying the expansion because I enjoy playing the game. Even though the game has its problems, for me, the enjoyment I get out of playing it outweigh the disadvantages and problems it suffers. I can only imagine how much of a nightmare running a game like wow must be, so I understand there is going to be setbacks.

I am more than happy to pay for the expansion, because it looks interesting and all my mates are buying it too.
Kodiak said:

Get real.

The updates that blizzard are providing are free. Its the expansion that they will probably charge for. I say probably since in the past companies have charged for expansions. Even the Guild Wars addon had to be bought.

And the £8 per month has to pay the wages of the people running the game (GM's, maintence people, etc), to rent the places where the servers are run, to rent the internet connection, to buy/replace hardware . . .
Plus that £8 has to goto Blizz to pay for developing the game and the expansion. I dare say, that wasnt that cheap, considering that a game like GTA SA cost in the region of $50million to develop.

Oh and Blizzard have about 6.5-7million subscribers world wide ATM. So that £8 for a months worth of gaming delight, goes quite a long way.

Just think, what was the last, non-sub based game that you bought and played it for more than 2 months?

There isnt that many about.

For £8 a month for as much gaming goodness as you can get, its a bargin.

I have loads of games that I have played for more than two months. BF2, CCS. PES5 to name a few decent ones.

Back to the point. Ok 6-8million users. £8 per month each. I dont care how man little helpers and servers you have running, you are not going to make a loss on that.

So you cant justify the extra costs. And to be honest why would you try and defend them? Yes you might like the game, I do too. But that doesnt justify the cost. I pay already for these updates. So why should I have to pay again. The reason people will is because they want to sit in IF with their Epics and L70.

Shame they dont care about you as much as you do them.
bloodline76 said:
Shame they dont care about you as much as you do them.

mate give up will you, just dont play, and quit the thread. :rolleyes:

I have found their cust service excellent and have even been given free days due to server outage and such. never had this with any other game that i have had to pay to play.
yeah well vivendi do have massive debts to pay so that wouldn't surprise me one bit. probably why some of the better developers left blizzard and set up their own company.
bloodline76 said:
Back to the point. Ok 6-8million users. £8 per month each. I dont care how man little helpers and servers you have running, you are not going to make a loss on that.


They are a company and are making money out of a product. And you seem to think that is wrong . . . .

bloodline76 said:
So you cant justify the extra costs. And to be honest why would you try and defend them? Yes you might like the game, I do too. But that doesnt justify the cost. I pay already for these updates. So why should I have to pay again. The reason people will is because they want to sit in IF with their Epics and L70.

Man, you can diss wow, but dont diss the ep1x!!!olorz

Seriously, you need to lighten up. Blizzard are making cash on a game that has connected with so many people who are glad to pay pittance per month for the plesure of playing the game on an offical server with GM's etc looking after them. This costs money. LOTS of money. And with a game the size of WoW, I dare say that Blizzard isnt making that much cash, due to the horrific overheads. A friend of mine once worked for Northgate IS, they hosted a few websites and their monthy internet bill was very nearly into 6 figures. I think the WoW servers use up a whole lot more bandwith. And I dare say that bandwidth costs a lot.

So, Each month blizz takes my £8 then uses it to do the following:-

  • Pay tax
  • Pay the internet bill
  • Pay the workers
  • Pay the rent on the buildings for the workers and servers
  • Pay for any new/replacement hardware
  • Pay for the inital development of WoW (looking at an 8 figure dev cost)
  • Pay for the continuing support fixing bugs
  • Pay for the continuning development of WoW in the form of new instances
  • Pay for the development of the expansion (probably again in the 8 figure region)

bloodline76 said:
Shame they dont care about you as much as you do them.

I think that they do. I opened a GM ticket and it was answered within the hour, something I havent seen in an MMO before. The normal wait time is about 24-48 hours.

So, the question is. What has Blizzard done to you to warrent this attack on them?
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Kodiak said:

They are a company and are making money out of a product. And you seem to think that is wrong . . . .


Dont you know? its cool to slate big companys who make money.

Microsoft anyone?

Personally I'm quite happy paying the monthly fee.
The cross realm BG will only eliminate queueing wont really bring in any enhancement, as far as i can see.

And the world pvp just sounds like a zoned battleground none instanced.
101 Days played on my main, WoW is insane value for money if you ask me.

I really wish people would stop whining at Blizzard and just sit back and enjoy what is a really good game.
3 Level 60's with countless days of playtime, Endless fun.. and Epix !!!!1/11/

All for £8 per month?... Keep it coming ! :D
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