The best WoW news yet!

m4cc45 said:
At least in other games you get to vuln, bane, cast protection spells choose what kind of spell you would like (i.e. fire, lightning) and thus represented in the damage you do.

What on Earth are you on about? 'Lock's aren't the only class in WoW, you know...

m4cc45 said:
100 of hours of gameplay?

Seriously I got bored by the end of the first week (and not playing it for 8 hours a day either) when my Warlock was around level 40ish...

The game is aimed really at children - click a monster press your hot-keys as fast as possible, rest and repeat.

At least in other games you get to vuln, bane, cast protection spells choose what kind of spell you would like (i.e. fire, lightning) and thus represented in the damage you do.

£8.99 is a lot of money for some people as well and they may well enjoy it for a few months until they reach game-over with everyone then going into instances to try and grab a bit of loot that they have a one in x (team party size) chance of getting and then if you dont get you have to repeat it over and over again...

Oh and then theres the cost of the addons...

This guy clearly knows it all ... was gonna quote some parts of his post .. but in retrospect, its all mornic, so ill just do a big WTF :confused:
Davey or any other mod, please lock this thread.
Was supposed to be good news on cross-server battlegrounds, but i sincerely doubt it will go back on topic again with all this mindless babble by people who do not actually like/play the game.
m4cc45 said:
100 of hours of gameplay?

Seriously I got bored by the end of the first week (and not playing it for 8 hours a day either) when my Warlock was around level 40ish...

The game is aimed really at children - click a monster press your hot-keys as fast as possible, rest and repeat.

At least in other games you get to vuln, bane, cast protection spells choose what kind of spell you would like (i.e. fire, lightning) and thus represented in the damage you do.

£8.99 is a lot of money for some people as well and they may well enjoy it for a few months until they reach game-over with everyone then going into instances to try and grab a bit of loot that they have a one in x (team party size) chance of getting and then if you dont get you have to repeat it over and over again...

Oh and then theres the cost of the addons...

Which addons would you be referring to then? We already know that the expansion pack 'The Burning Crusade' is going to cost ~£15, but for that money, you're effectively getting a whole lot more out of the game, new areas, new characters, new spells. Even games like BF2, The Sims2, etc. have expansion packs which cost roughly the same, so how is WoW any different? Find me a major MMORPG that doesn't have a monthly sub and has a community size like WoW, and is easy to pickup and play, and I'll drop my sub and play that instead.

Back on topic though, cross server BG's sound like fun, hopefully it'll keep the set teams occupied and give us some chance of playing a normal PuG. I'm also looking forward to the paid character transfers so I can get off my hell hole of a server and join some buddies that re-rolled on a different server a while ago.
sup3rc0w said:
This guy clearly knows it all ... was gonna quote some parts of his post .. but in retrospect, its all mornic, so ill just do a big WTF :confused:

As above :\
I must say, i've got to level 18 now and though it's been fairly fun, I don't seem to have gained any addiction to the game. I just seem to be leveling my character and doing quests.

When am I going to feel the addiction start to kick in?
Phalanx said:
I must say, i've got to level 18 now and though it's been fairly fun, I don't seem to have gained any addiction to the game. I just seem to be leveling my character and doing quests.

When am I going to feel the addiction start to kick in?
60 in a hardcore raiding guild
LukeManUK said:
60 in a hardcore raiding guild

ok, so i've got a while.

I've also noticed that the game doesn't seem to be very busy. I play on the arethor realm and the most people i've seen is probably around 30-40 people in Stormwind. I mean, even Runescape is busier than that and that's a java game. Are most players raiding?
Phalanx said:
ok, so i've got a while.

I've also noticed that the game doesn't seem to be very busy. I play on the arethor realm and the most people i've seen is probably around 30-40 people in Stormwind. I mean, even Runescape is busier than that and that's a java game. Are most players raiding?

Well at level 18 you don't tend to see tonnes around the starter areas. You'll see more as you start branching out in STV and Hillsbrad etc.
v1bez said:
Well at level 18 you don't tend to see tonnes around the starter areas. You'll see more as you start branching out in STV and Hillsbrad etc.

really? cos i read somewhere that Ironforge and Stormwind are supposed to be the busiest areas in the game. And they don't seem that busy really.

Where are those locations you said?
Ironforge is pretty much the Busiest place for alliance.
These days, a lot of 60's are around in the Plaguelands ... a place you wont see for as long while yet
Phalanx said:
really? cos i read somewhere that Ironforge and Stormwind are supposed to be the busiest areas in the game. And they don't seem that busy really.

Where are those locations you said?

Stormind isn't that busy, Ironforge normally is but with the new Scourge area's and Invasions it tends to be a bit empty now a days. STV = Stranglethorn, there's a path leading there south from the middle of Duskwood it's a level 33+ area and Hillsbrad is a 29-30+ area really, unless you plan on grinding on mobs.
Edinho said:
The cross realm BG will only eliminate queueing wont really bring in any enhancement, as far as i can see.

And the world pvp just sounds like a zoned battleground none instanced.

Hows it going to help Queue times? Alliance:Horde Ratio is still terrible on every server.

Say 3000 Alliance pvp in prime time and 1000 Horde on an average server.

Even if 10 servers were linked up the queues would still be 30000 alliance and 10000 horde.

Hows this helped the problem at all?

Lets not even begin to go on about how flawed the honour system is.
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