*** The BIG Christmas Competition *** Win the best Christmas ever!!

MumboJumbo, where have you been, since competition this we have done 3 competitions just for forum members. We are doing competitions all the time, for everyone. Not everyone can win a competition unfortunately, as it would be nice for everyone to win the prizes. But we are doing as many competitions as possible so more people have a chance of winning. :)

We do competitions for everyone, just the forum, just Facebook, just Twitter, just Steam. - And we have a hell of a lot more competitions on the way, and we have some competitions running now!

Steam and facebook? I have never known of these and to my recollection I am signed up to both.

Also this competition made the others look like nothing I imagine :P. My point was mainly that, in my opinion, you will get more sales if you attract people to the forums because people talking on the forums are constantly being shown OCUK products and it builds up a sort of loyalty to the shop too. People aren't likely going to strike up any sort of loyalty because they won some competition on fb and so quite likely will shop else where after anyway, especially if the price is competitive.

It is of course just my opinion and like I said before, it isn't really about me winning, just that I think it is better to try and capture a market by luring it onto probably the biggest forum in the UK for computers rather than one off prizes to randomers. Perhaps a better suggestion would be to advertise the competitions by saying "join our forum to enter in them" and not have a minimum post count. Though how do you filter out the duplicates?

As an incentive to stay you then have competitions for people over a certain post count. I believe one of your competitor has difference competitions for different brackets of post count, but I don't really suggest that.


Also, you are the first person to call me by my new name of MumboJumbo. It made me smile haha.
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I completely agree mumbojumbo, especially about having a certain post count requirement.

I don't mind loosing these competitions, but I really hate seeing great prizes e.g. the 560 TI go to members that have hardly any posts and have been here for a while or new members that have just joined when the comp. was posted. The more loyal forum members should be rewarded instead of guys that have 0-50 posts and being a member for a year or whatever.

If the competition is posted on the main page and doesn't say for "forum members" then fair enough, anyone can enter.

A lot of competitions recently have had a lot of members that have just joined to enter the comp. and when you check there profiles and how many posts they have, when they were last active etc. they are generally last active and the only post was to enter the comp. They don't care about OCUK etc. as you said.

They just join to enter these comp. and that is it, they don't take part in anything across the forum and will only post again once another comp. crops up.

And I actually agree on having that certain post count for certain comp. For the big ones like GPU give-aways etc. there should be a limit of like 250 or 500 posts to enter IMO.
Yeah, you joined in the middle of January, the competition was posted near the end of April :p

I mean people that join as soon as a competition is posted or that have hardly any posts when they enter them. There might be the odd case where they would continue to post and not just create an account to enter comp. etc. but I am sure that the majority won't be a true forum member and as has been said won't have any loyalty to OCUK if they win a competition.
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