The Big WWE Wrestling Thread

There's also the argument that come Mania you dont know what to do with a top tier talent? Why stick them in a battle for brand supremacy match :o (see Lashley v Umaga & Batista v Umaga)

EDIT: If you can spare 20 minutes this is an interview well worth checking out

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There's also the argument that come Mania you dont know what to do with a top tier talent? Why stick them in a battle for brand supremacy match :o (see Lashley v Umaga & Batista v Umaga)

EDIT: If you can spare 20 minutes this is an interview well worth checking out

That was ace. Actually got more respect for Cena now after that. It seems like he really is a selfless kinda guy.
Got The Rocks new DVD this week, will be watching tonight.

Cant wait for Mania, Cena vs Rock, Rock vs Cena, the match of the decade, awesome stuff
That was ace. Actually got more respect for Cena now after that. It seems like he really is a selfless kinda guy.

Just look at all the charity work he does with the Make a Wish and so on. As a guy he's fantastic, but the Cena character on TV I just can't stand. If he was written better, like he used to be, then maybe there would be a chance.

Just look at all the charity work he does with the Make a Wish and so on. As a guy he's fantastic, but the Cena character on TV I just can't stand. If he was written better, like he used to be, then maybe there would be a chance.

Oh I don't doubt that he's a good guy, just that he was involved in the title scene for so long that I figured that, despite his good nature, he was still very much about grabbing all the glory in the WWE he could. It's really cool to see that he's not that way, even if his character is rubbish.

It's weird to think he's been out of the title race since SummerSlam last year. At this stage I wonder if they'll bring him back into it after WM or not. I'd rather they didn't cause he's still by far and away the biggest draw for the WWE whether he's got the gold or not.
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It's weird to think he's been out of the title race since SummerSlam last year. At this stage I wonder if they'll bring him back into it after WM or not. I'd rather they didn't cause he's still by far and aware the biggest draw for the WWE whether he's got the gold or not.

To be honest, I'm really glad the dropped the idea of Cena/Rock being for the title, like Cena was saying at the beginning. That would in part ruin the match, because either the Rock wins, and then just drops the title because he's not going to be there to defend it, which makes the title look pointless (Yeah, I won the title, but I don't care about it to defend it, so here, have it back). Or Cena has to win it to keep the title relevant, which telegraphs that he's going to win it. Or the WWE are stupid.

But thankfully they were smart enough to realise that much at least.
It's weird to think he's been out of the title race since SummerSlam last year. At this stage I wonder if they'll bring him back into it after WM or not. I'd rather they didn't cause he's still by far and aware the biggest draw for the WWE whether he's got the gold or not.

Judging by the video I posted a page or two back it looks very much like he'll be straight back in the title picture after Mania (probably winning it) :mad:
I think would be good for cena to win the title now then loses it at WM. The rock goes away until next WM. Everyone then hates the rock and cena. They hate cena for losing the title and hate the rock for leaving with it.

This would setup cena for a major change and also sets up next years main event as the rock is already reportedly booked for next year WM.
You've got to admit Cena won the war of words last night and that's two weeks in a row his promo's have been awesome. Even through your TV you could feel the animosity between the two and when Cena called Rock on having notes for his promo written on his wrist Rock genuinely didn't have a comeback and his reaction genuinely appeared that what Cena said was far from scripted. Wrestlemania with these two in the same ring is going to be something very interesting indeed (oh and after any other show I'd be talking about the awesome Punk/Jericho promo at the start of the show but that really took a back seat to the way Raw ended)
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Great promos i thought, Rock vs Cena is going to be a match of the ages, after all they both really have done it all.

I thought Cena's promo had a shoot feel to it

Surprisingly it seemed to me Cena came off better, and its not easy to out do The Rock, i expect Rock to be present from now to WM and next time they meet im sure Rock will come up with something good.
You've got to admit Cena won the war of words last night and that's two weeks in a row his promo's have been awesome. Even through your TV you could feel the animosity between the two and when Cena called Rock on having notes for his promo written on his wrist Rock genuinely didn't have a comeback and his reaction genuinely appeared that what Cena said was far from scripted. Wrestlemania with these two in the same ring is going to be something very interesting indeed (oh and after any other show I'd be talking about the awesome Punk/Jericho promo at the start of the show but that really took a back seat to the way Raw ended)

WWE just worked you big time if you think that, why would the rock need notes on his wrist? He's been doing those promos for years and now acts in movies where he has to learn lines before delivering them, would make no sense for him to need notes written on a pretty visible area all of a sudden.

The "notes" would have been far less conspicious and far less visible written on the palm of his hand instead of an area that was captured on camera several times during the promo. If anything the "notes" were part of the work to suggest the rock was out of touch with the wwe audience and needed pointers on what to say, which ties in with cena "you're never here" rhetoric.

Its all just hype, things being pointed out and said that wouldn't usually be said. Theyre trying to put this across as a real life grudge when its more than likely nothing of the sort, and from some of the comments ive read online, theyre succeeding.
Forgot to say, Jericho v Punk is going to be a good wrestling match, both top performers, their mic work on RAW was top draw as well
WWE just worked you big time if you think that, blah blah blah

I wasn't 'worked' at all it's since become common knowledge that the Rock had promo notes written on his wrist


Plenty of dirt sheets will even translate what said notes say
I wasn't 'worked' at all it's since become common knowledge that the Rock had promo notes written on his wrist


Plenty of dirt sheets will even translate what said notes say

Yeah and apparently all that writing comes down to this:


- Innovator – Camo

- 2 reasons

- Call out

If thats all it said then it could have been written MUCH smaller to be virtually unnoticable, plus the question has to be asked why does he suddenly need notes after years and years of doing these promos and having to learn lines in movies? Its a work thats all there is to it, just amusing that something so blatently obvious is working.
Well you're entitled to your opinion, I think you're wrong but then given you initial post I doubt you care what anyone else thinks
Well you're entitled to your opinion, I think you're wrong but then given you initial post I doubt you care what anyone else thinks

Its just so blatently obvious to me given the evidence at hand, he's always been one of the best mic workers WWE has ever had yet all of a sudden he needs notes to touch on 4 topics?

Just WWE trying an angle that gets people thinking imo.
Its just so blatently obvious to me given the evidence at hand, he's always been one of the best mic workers WWE has ever had yet all of a sudden he needs notes to touch on 4 topics?

Just WWE trying an angle that gets people thinking imo.

100% with you. This was a well WORKED promo and not a shoot. The Rock is one of the best in the business to cut a promo, a highly paid actor, yet he needs to right notes ? I'm not buying that.

Another reason why I'm not buying it, due the fact that the cameras had plenty of shots with the notes written on his wrist, mistake? Coincidence ? I don’t think so, WWE may he lacked good quality story’s in recent years, but there TV production has always been very slick and top quality.

Overall really enjoyed Rock and Cenas promo, really building towards a great WM. I think the WWE is doing the right thing's atm, I'm a huge attitude era fan and since last year’s appearance of the Rock I’m keeping a keen interest in wrestling again.
I love The Rock but his promo was at least 10 minutes longer than it should have been.

RE: Cena and the title, I know they're advertising Over the Limit with him back in the title picture but this is fairly common when trying to promote up coming shows, just to show to the fans who's going to be there. I'm pretty sure it'll say the card is subject to change. Similarly, you can bet at least two of the big superstars that are advertised for that show are going to switch brands at the draft (if we even get that far; this stuff with Long and Lauranitis about who's gonna be the GM of both shows is making me think that they're about to straight up ditch the whole brand thing some time soon).

Or I might just be in denial. I actually like Cena a little more now that he's not in the title picture and his selflessness, as demonstrated in the CM Punk interview, shows that he really doesn't mind giving the limelight over to someone else. Really hope they don't put him back into the title picture so soon.
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