The Big WWE Wrestling Thread

Either the rock is a great great actor, or there was genuine anamosity from him. The way his body changed when cena came in and talked, and the body reacyions to what he was saying were eiyhet some superb acting, or what i think is, his hate for cena is true, and is funneling it through cena to mvmahon
I think there might be some tension between them but I don't think it's totally exaggerated for story line purposes.
Either the rock is a great great actor, or there was genuine anamosity from him. The way his body changed when cena came in and talked, and the body reacyions to what he was saying were eiyhet some superb acting, or what i think is, his hate for cena is true, and is funneling it through cena to mvmahon

Apparently, according to some internal sources and JR (he could just be building it though) there is some legitimate heat between the two. I actually think there is myself, but it can't be that bad otherwise they wouldn't be able to perform a safe match together.
Apparently, according to some internal sources and JR (he could just be building it though) there is some legitimate heat between the two. I actually think there is myself, but it can't be that bad otherwise they wouldn't be able to perform a safe match together.

Edge & Matt Hardy managed it :p
Edge & Matt Hardy managed it :p

Yeah, but did you see how brutal they were with each other? Very entertaining to watch but I don't think Vince would allow Dwayne or Cena to fight like that at their biggest PPV, especially when they're trying to be PG.

In related WM news, internal reports suggest a possible stipulation being added to the Rhodes - Show match. That's something we need in my opinion. Rhodes is a great worker but you can't put on a WM level match with Show, no one can.
Absolutely agree. There's a good reason Show's been doing gimmick matches at WM since what feels like the beginning of time.
Anybody seen Nash recently? they built up the Nash/HHH storyline then abandon it pretty quickly in favour of HHH/Taker part 2

Don't have high hopes for Mania at all, Rock will always be better than Cena, Taker will always be the best in the business
Anybody seen Nash recently? they built up the Nash/HHH storyline then abandon it pretty quickly in favour of HHH/Taker part 2

Don't have high hopes for Mania at all, Rock will always be better than Cena, Taker will always be the best in the business

Nash has been added to WWE's alumni section and last I heard he was working backstage with new talent and the such. So he's getting paid for nothing pretty much, but that's what you get when you're best buds with the boss' son.

I think we won't be seeing any more of him any time soon.
Anybody seen Nash recently? they built up the Nash/HHH storyline then abandon it pretty quickly in favour of HHH/Taker part 2

Don't have high hopes for Mania at all, Rock will always be better than Cena, Taker will always be the best in the business

Pretty sure he tweeted after the HHH match that he was so happy to have had his "last match" with someone he loved. So I think that puts his career to bed, really.
Now HBK is special guest referee for the Taker-HHH match, I really hope it isn't going to be the predictable finish now, where HBK screws HHH out of it

I'm hoping for more of a Montreal Screwjob thing, where DX screw Taker out of the streak
They had a match at TLC (December 2011) in a "Sledgehammer on a Pole" stipulation. Was kinda meh, nothing special to be perfectly honest.

EDIT: Read more here.

Ah i missed that, only started watching again in Jan, ill have to check that out because i used to love Nash, well Diesel on the first time round.
Why the hell isn't Rock facing Taker at Mania? that match would be so much better

Because 'Taker can barely work anymore. All that crap HHH has been saying about him being old and war-torn is true. He's had several surgeries since last WM with HHH and is finding it harder every year to put out a good performance. It's why he only wrestles once per year now, WWE are trying to milk as much WM's out of him as possible and his body can't take it anymore.

'Taker wouldn't be able to hang with the Rock's intensity these days, so it would be kinda sad to watch. But the Rock-Cena thing stems out of each generations biggest star going head to head (Rock - Attitude Era, Cena - PG Era). WWE just saw dollar signs and I have to admit, it's a good idea.

Rock destroys him in seconds as for wrestling ability and entertainment so it'll be interesting to see if Cena brings anything new to the table. Plus, when Dwayne said he's back for good, he really did mean it, but not full time. He will be wrestling at WM29 next year also.
Rocks also going to wrestle Summerslam as well

As for Taker latest news is he's going to wrestle for at least a couple more years, possibly looking towards Mania 30 as his retirement match?
Fair play to Taker, hes done it all, one of the biggest stars of all time, some of his matches are just insane.

Thing is tho, HHH v Taker is going to be mad, because both are super super pros. How will Rock v Cena be able to compare following Hell in a cell with those two?

1 things for sure, WM is going to be the best ever this year imo
Absolutely agree. There's a good reason Show's been doing gimmick matches at WM since what feels like the beginning of time.

Wasn't the plan for it to be Show Vs Shaq? I've not been watching WWE recently though.

Also, the idea of DX screwing 'Taker out of the streak is just terrible!
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