Lesnar to beat cena
Big show to beat Cody
Sheamus to beat dbryan (possible del rio interference?)
Orton to beat Kane
Punk to beat Jericho
Loo break during the divas match
Cena beats Lesnar
Punk beats Jericho
Sheamus beats Bryan (2 falls to 0)
Orton beats Kane
Big Show beats Rhodes
Twin beats Pheonix (karma returns at the end)
Is Punk v Jerocho going to be actually out in the street? Such a wasted opportunity if so
I really wish the wwe would go back to old school days regarding their ppv's
Jan - Royal Rumble
Feb - No Way Out (still have the Elimination Chamber matches)
March - Wrestlemania
April - Backlash
May - Judgement Day
June - Money in the Bank
July - Night of Champions
August - Summerslam
September - Unforgiven
October - No Mercy (still have the HITC matches)
November - Survivor Series
December - TLC
Bad Blood > MitB. MitB was good the first couple of times when it was new and a match at Wrestlemania but a whole PPV centred around it isn't needed. Same with TLC. I guess I just don't like whole PPVs centred around a match stipulation.
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