Indeed, but for me WWE is just so boring at the moment. It seems to me to be so very very cynical in the way that the raw matches are so cr@p, so short, so lacking in any emotion, so limited in exciting wrestling skill, flair, heart, moves..... and so obviously written to fit in around advert breaks and (badly) booked reals for the next ppv. The CM Punk revolution from last year started brightly but has totally fizzled out; Jericho's return has amounted to nothing; the Brock thing is too much too soon, and the best wrestlers either aren't getting booked properly, have retired, are too old and knackered or have dropped off the radar. This sort of stuff just goes on month after months with no end in sight.
Agreed, Tna not massively better, and it's quite obvious that the card if very full of hasbeens and ex-wwe wrestlers who were let go, but I get the feeling that they let the wrestlers do much more in-ring in terms of moves and effort, and for this they get a much better athmospere from their audience.This makes for a better overall experience, IMO. Yes, Rick Flare, Hogan and now even Sting are a bit of a joke, but I sit there and watch a tna headliner and feel ive got my proverbial moneys-worth; I watch raw week in, week out, and feel short changed time after time. There have been perhaps a handful of matches and wwe shows over the past three years which have made me go wow, and yet the wrestling of tna consistenly keeps me engaged. So, an occasional big effort, or a consistently interesting, engaging show? I dunno, but the wwe has to REALLY pick up its game to keep me hooked. Tna is obviously trying a bit too hard but it's a lot of fun, and that's what counts.