Just watched, and I think its hit an all time low.
The amount of missed hits, moves not going right, general ability of the current crop shows what mess its in, moves not being done right.
Had to laugh at HHH's entrance and the dry ice hitting all over him, he was visavly ****ed at that walking out, though not as bad looking at the cheap prop the threw up for him to walk out from.
Felt sore for Punk making that huge jumps and the table not breaking, hearing snap I thought it was his leg, looked real bad that one, Taker needs to leave it now, he could barly do much, same for HHH who just looked very out of shape, and looking at the shape of him its clear the bad injuries have taken their toll on him.
The whole thing felt a mess, not big upsets, not even having Ziggler cashing himself in or anything like that.
Nothing special at all, with an audience that fell asleep about half way through, stone cold silence for Cena Rock match.
Remind to never go for a party in NY, they all seem to need to go to bed at 10.30 lol.