The Big WWE Wrestling Thread

Apparently he never ran to the ring on Raw either, might not have been really noticed at the time but possibly foreshadowing something was wrong? Seen some people say he was grabbing his chest walking down to the ring on raw as well, not seen it yet so not sure if that's legit or bs.

Ed: just watched the whole segment, no sign of him grabbing his chest on his way to the ring, though he did look a bit shaky on his feet on the way down.
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H didnt run down, but his knee and hip where wrecked , he could barley walk at the best, like most of them at the time, look at the state of Stone Cold he couldn't even stand in the ring and was slouched at the corner at WM most of the time.
H didnt run down, but his knee and hip where wrecked , he could barley walk at the best, like most of them at the time, look at the state of Stone Cold he couldn't even stand in the ring and was slouched at the corner at WM most of the time.

He injured his leg a few years ago before his match in Spain, first I've heard of it being totally wrecked. =/
Not sure if serious?! LOL

Bro deadly serious, you too could look like the rock....

Pretty sad news to think such an icon of my childhood passed away :(
Such timing as well, having just been inducted to the Hall of Fame (reminds me of the film The Wrestler, where he's kind of at peace in the end).

Still one of my favourites! They just don't make 'em like they used to!

Legend! Bat **** crazy!
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Just saw the news about the warrior.

Not a massive fan, but back in the day id watch the wwf when i got sky.

The man was pure energy, pitch in the entry theme, the colourfull gear he wore, and the moves that he had.

Just wow... My number one guy from an era of plenty. The best thing of a life, to be rememberd as a great to many.
I'm fairly sure that the very first WWF match I ever saw was The Ultimate Warrior steamrollering The Honky Tonk Man for the IC title at Summer Slam back in 1988! :D

Not the most technical of performers but always huge energy and entertaining to watch imo - although I gather he wasn't the most popular in the dressing room according to various books!

Well Evolution got a reception rivalling the sound of a Mouse farting last night, crowd nearly lapsed into a coma. Only a matter of time before they bust Flair out of the retirement home \ nuthouse. Warrior tribute video was good.
Booked tickets for Newcastle next month, stopped watching wrestling ages ago when I was a kid, only recently started again since I've been off work at the weekends due to my injury, so been watching it on sky, watched wrestlemania, enjoyed it, so fancied going to see it, never got to see it when I was a kid.
Also, a note from Wrestlemania. I've not really been a fan or Orton, however going back to the Batista Bomb/RKO onto the announce desk at wrestlemania, you can see how Orton landed:

Straight onto one of the monitors. The cameras did cut to his back bleeding slightly after, but it wasn't mentioned at the time. But despite that, he continued to work the match as normal. Not a fan, but fantastic work by him there to go through something like that.
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