Rumour is Sami tonight!
Cena has big news (I'm guessing WM33 announcement?)
Would have needed to be a much bigger name suspended I think for that payoff to have the desired effect imo. Good idea though!Part of me is hoping this Titus O'Neil suspension is all a big kayfabe shoot, an extreme that WWE has to go to these days to a keep a secret.
So how about Shane is about to lose to Undertaker, Vince is standing cage side with eager eyes and BY GOD FROM OUTTA NOWHERE! Titus O'Neil comes in for the save, huge babyface pop, and he screws Vince out of control of Monday Night Raw.
Would have needed to be a much bigger name suspended I think for that payoff to have the desired effect imo. Good idea though!
I still can't work out what the supposed payoff to that match is going to be. Can't see Undertaker losing at Mania again especially in his home state but if he doesn't lose what's the point in this whole Shane comeback story?!
Anyone going to watch Roadbump tonight? 10 years there was a chance of an unpredictable finish but these days you hardly need a script writer as we can all guess the results 6 weeks in advance.
Anyone going to watch Roadbump tonight? 10 years there was a chance of an unpredictable finish but these days you hardly need a script writer as we can all guess the results 6 weeks in advance.