The Big WWE Wrestling Thread

They've thrown everything at this show. Surely the main event can't be a straight up match with a Roman Reigns win. Something shady has got to happen. Something big.
OH **** THIS.

This better be part of something big else the WWE just gave us all a GIANT finger up the ***.

Bad form they were muting the sound at the end of the show... Looks like a silent RAW tomorrow night then folks.
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Second weakest match, most predictable outcome. What a way to end the show!

Poor Authority. They tried their very best to stop Roman Reigns by only giving him a thousand chances over the last 6 months.

It was quite good overall, but there were some bizarre results. Just to put this in to perspective - Zack Ryder won the Intercontinental!
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He deserves it in my book.

They dropped the ball with him BIG TIME on his last run.

I enjoyed the show more than I thought I would, the majority of the results were not what I wanted to see but I cannot complain about that, can I?
Oh don't get me wrong I like Zack Ryder, but he was only put in the match last minute because of injury. No stories or anything, just stick 7 guys in there and decide on the night!
Great matches, **** endings probably sums up this years Wrestlemania. While I didn't expect Shane to win and I'm quite happy for Ryder (Zayn essentially cost Owens his title so it gives casual viewers some insight as to why they'll feud for the next few months), pretty much every match went against what most people want.

I'm still in absolute disbelief at how they turned one of the most naturally gifted and exciting wrestlers in Lesnar into a boring 2 move squash match merchant. Not even a no holds barred street fight could make him look more diverse than he has in the past however many years.
I'm still in absolute disbelief at how they turned one of the most naturally gifted and exciting wrestlers in Lesnar into a boring 2 move squash match merchant. Not even a no holds barred street fight could make him look more diverse than he has in the past however many years.

I thought it was the most disappointing match of the night tbh(not worst, but most disappointing). Dean didn't look good at all imo. Biggest pop for me was HBK music starting, just because it was the first surprise.

Reactions seem quite mixed to the show so far, with it edging towards overall disappointment . Most are praising the in-ring stuff and are dumbfounded by the outcomes.

PS. It is like they were sitting there saying "***, it is a PPV and we haven't booked a Wyatt Family loss yet, what do we do?" ...."Well, we have a spare six seconds here that is enough time surely?"
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