This is brilliant!
That it is .
This is brilliant!
Yawn, Cena again...
Best part of WM right there.
+The Good+
Taker vs HBK. What a match. Without a doubt the best match since HIAC last year, and well worth the money alone. It had just about everything you could possibly ask for. Just goes to show that the older wrestlers know how to thrill and entertain better than anyone else. 10/10
Y2J vs Legends, this was really good fun. I loved how they kept bleeping Piper out, he was swearing like a hyperactive sailor with tourettes! Also Steamboat's still got it, he can wrestle better than most of the current roster. Snuka is a bit more frail I felt, but tried hard. It was a bit of an anti-climax though with Rourke. All that for one punch? Pft. 8/10
Triple Threat match was reasonable, nothing overly special but I thought it was entertaining enough. Of course Cena was going to win, it's the only way to keep that storyline moving forward. 8/10
-The Bad-
The Hardys Match. Really sodding poor. Far too short, and far too many moves that either didn't come off or came off wrong. I felt like it was just building up to something crazy and it did, so predictable, and the "crazy" move wasn't even all that tbh. Waste of time and a right let down. 2/10
The Divas. As soon as Santino was spotted, it was only ever going to be him winning it. Another waste of time filler. 2/10
-+The Average+-
The MITB match. Some good stuff, but as said above, there were some glaring mistakes that didn't work at all. Plus it was all far too short. I have no problem with Punk winning it as he showed last year he can carry a strap (before dropping it and being shoved back down mid-card) but at least make the match itself a bit more convincing. 5/10
The ICC match. I can see what they were going for with the quick finish but it just cheapens the whole thing really. Also whilst initially I was shocked at JBL's reaction, it all makes sense with Tazz leaving. It means Layfield can just slot back into commentary. 4/10
Orton HHH match was only ever going to end with the use of the sledge, and that it did. Solid match though, some good stuff. I was pretty tired by that point though, didn't take a lot of it in. 6/10
Overall i'd give WM25 a 7/10. It was a decent PPV, but really it was carried home by two matches - one being a showcase in how to wrestle, the other being good damn fun, everything else was run-of-the-mill stuff.
Rubbish finish to the match and Wrestlemania.
5/10 overall. Seemed like this PPV was only good for about 2, maybe 3 matches at a stretch.
Obviously the highlight of the night for me, as with everyone else was the Taker, HBK match. I expected so much out of this and it delivered and then some.
It was simply incredible, best match I've seen in years