Just watching WM at last now
HBK/Taker match was amazing, that swimming dive over the outside looked like Taker pretty much spiked himself
Such a shame that HBK/Christian didn't win thier respective matches, all the fans there wanted Christian to win, even booing as Punk was reaching up for the case!
Psycho, I know what you mean about thw HBK/Taker match making the rest impossible to stand up to, the Cena/Edge/Big Show match is on now and just cannot compete, doesn't help with Vickie the moose being wheeled around and spending half the match as the main camera focus.
Kudos for WWE to giving her a job and bringing her in to help her family after Eddie's untimely death, but she has become more stale than you can possibly imagine and on top of that its making Chavo, who is very talented, look an absolute damn joke.
Bring Christian to Raw in the draft, end up with him and Punk in a match for the case and have the WWE capitalise on Christian's immense popularity, the guy was a real hit in TNA, and he could go to the sky and beyond, he's SO versatile and an amazing asset, I just hope Vince realises that before its too late!
As for how Steamboat wrestled after being retired for so long and given his age, was nothing short of amazing, Piper and Snuka obviously struggle to go as much as they used to, given Piper's battle with stomach cancer etc.. he can still go like a madman, but all in all, great work form the legends, but Steamboat, in a league of his own for that legends team, Flair Vs Steamboat, even now, would be absolutely awesome