The Big WWE Wrestling Thread

Do you mean the Women's match? Ending was an absolute mess.

Not just the end, were more botches before that - whole thing was a botch fest.

EDIT: The lift onto the turn buckle was botched, the ddt was botched, other things too as well I think
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For a split second i thought Raw might have a decent ending with Orton hitting the RKO and getting out of there to have him standing tall at the top of the ramp. Silly me i forgot SuperCena can recover and take out the tag champs in around 20 seconds.

Enjoyed Legacy taking out DX though.

Hillarious Divas match as well, never seen such a botched ending in my life.
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People accuse HHH of burying Legacy by talking sarcasticly after they beat him down few weeks back - yet when Cena basically no-sells the RKO and then cleans out Jericho and Big Show everything is fine and dandy.

Cena needs to go back to his old heel gimmick, this new "super face Cena" is starting to REALLY annoy me. I hope DX beat him down after they're done with Legacy :D
DX are listed as one of the 3 main events for SS - as opposed to JeriShow, IC, Kane vs Kali, Swagger vs MVP matches being in the "more matches" section of the SS site.

WWE should turn SS into the DX PVP, where DX are in every match as either refs, enforcers, lumberjacks or taking part themselves :D
To be fair why is MVP taking on Jack Swagger in a match at SS?

Their program just isn't doing anything for anyone.

Remember the Smackdown! intro from 2003:

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I think WWE see sthem as two rising stars so just wants to get them both on the bill, the feud has been dire though at best. Hopefully a clean win for MVP and then give him a good long overdue push.
I think WWE see sthem as two rising stars so just wants to get them both on the bill, the feud has been dire though at best. Hopefully a clean win for MVP and then give him a good long overdue push.

Yeah I can see that obviously but it's been very drawn out which it really didnt have to be.

I have actually enjoyed Swaggers matches since he's came in to WWE, he is a big guy but has a lot about him. He is nowhere near limited where some of the larger athletes such as Batista are.
Swagger doesn't have that WOW factor in his matches yet though, they just don't get me excited. He did OK vs Cena on the 1st superstars show, but beyond that...

MVP just looks like a fat pig in licra
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