The Big WWE Wrestling Thread

I must say, I was a little suprised by the whole Hardy/Punk storyline. Now, don't get me wrong, Punk makes a great heel, but considering the whole child friendly no sex/drugs/rock&roll stance by the WWE, having the crowd cheer for drug abuse and booing the 'just say no' idea seems a bit silly :p

Thing is, who's he going to feud with now Jeff's leaving? Matt? Edge won't be back this soon, I don't think.
Undertaker is lined up to feud with Punk IIRC. Plus Edge is bound to want a piece of the WHC when he returns, although admittedly that's a fair way off.

Good to see 'Taker will be back in the title picture though.
Is it wrong that I can't wait for SS?

I really believe they have something huge lined up for tonight, like dousing Legacy in slime or manure, and i'm just wondering if 'Taker will make an unscheduled appearance in some capacity. ;)
It's not SS, it's SF ... SummerFest :D

And we've been getting hints of something "major", maybe not only from DX but also from Morrison & Matt.
DX HAVE to do something after the beat down they got on RAW, they have never before been scripted to simply "shrug" it off without getting payback - think back to when Bischoff screwed them at Cyber Sunday - they stuck his head up Big Slim Johnsons butt on RAW the next day.

I do not think DX will slime Legacy, WWE does not want to bury Legacy - but I do see them doing something - perhaps DX making Orton lose the belt, or DX getting DQed but beating down Legacy with weapons and whatnot.
Is it wrong that I can't wait for SS?

I really believe they have something huge lined up for tonight, like dousing Legacy in slime or manure,

Would you honestly want something like that?

If anything, I'd like to see HBK super kick HHH just for shock and impact.
Would you honestly want something like that?

If anything, I'd like to see HBK super kick HHH just for shock and impact.

Nah, they'll milk the DX bandwagon before they do something like that.

Do you actually like wrestling or are you being ridiculous?
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Time for some summerfest "get you in the mood" pictures :D








Nah, they'll milk the DX bandwagon before they do something like that.

Do you actually like wrestling or are you being ridiculous?

I've been into wrestling for 10 years. I am just saying what would be more entertaining. If DX are back for the long run, its going to be pg jokes and what not. You won't be seeing stuff from 1997/1998 that they did. Its just going to be dumb just like in 2006. All they did in 06 was promote merchandise. It was lame. Also, since HBK "found god," HHH has to do most of the gags.

DX are dead, they're only doing this for ratings since they are at an all time low in ratings.
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DX are dead, they're only doing this for ratings since they are at an all time low in ratings.

Plenty of people feel that any DX is better than no DX at all - most of the stuff that DX say is actually not written by WWE creative but done by HHH and HBK themselves - so it is an improvement over the recent programming.
It might be PG DX, but at least it is funny unlike whatever promo Orton and Cena deliver (Cena is a big supporter of the whole PG thing) - it might not be as "wild" as Attitude era DX, but then again the '06 DX wasn't that bad - I still like to watch my DX DVD to see their best antics (and I've watched WCW/WWF since about 98/99ish).
So they are starting the show off with the jumping frog. Things can only get better from here tbh. Let me guess, three moves to win it for Mysterio.

JR said it best. Mysterio needed to hit a couple of big moves together (at the Noc). That is because he only has three moves...
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