The Boys (Amazon Prime)

14 Sep 2007
I can barely contain my excitement that this is getting an adaption, absolutely up there in my favourite comic series of all time.

For anyone that's not aware, The Boys is set in a world where heroes exist but they're not noble and selfless, they just do whatever they want. On the surface they're the role models for the world but in reality, they murder, steal, rape because frankly...who can stop them.

Fairly decent looking cast, Urban's on board so that's an instant thumbs up, shame they couldn't have got Simon Pegg for Hughie though, he's a dead ringer.

Coming to prime in 2019, they just keep putting out great content and while Netflix quality has fallen off massively, Prime is fair consistent.

I really hope that Amazon don't screw this up the way they did with American Gods. Just follow the plot in the graphic novels and all will be well! I too was astonished that Simon Pegg wasn't picked for Wee Hughie given the astonishing likeness.
Yeah, Hughie seems to be very badly cast and although I love Karl Urban and he'll probably do a fine job, I think that's a bit of an odd pick for Butcher.
Still, it helps to have a big name attached and he'll be alright.
Garth Ennis intentionally made Hughie look like Simon Pegg from what I've read.

Learn something new every day...

Darick Robertson offers insight into Hughie's creation "Wee Hughie was inspired by an old friend of Garth's. Garth emphasized that it was important to capture an innocence but tough determination in Hughie. Two things that seemed to contradict each other and somehow in early sketches he kept looking to old. When I saw Simon Pegg in "Spaced" I thought he captured that balance perfectly,and "Shaun" nailed that home.
Looks awesome nice to see Amazon tv series competing with netflix, shame its due out this summer though.
I watched the trailers for this recently and I'm currently re-reading the comic. I have to say I would imagine that the story will need to be heavily re-written in order for it to work as TV show. Assuming the trailers are all from Season 1 there are elements from quie a long way into the comics run covered, which suggests a cut up and re-paste approach to produce something that works for TV. Which I have no problem with as the concept I think is more important than sticking rigidly to the comics plot.
That looks good. I'll definitely give that a try when it's released. It reminds me of a darker version of Sanderson's 'Reckoners' trilogy.
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