The Boys (Amazon Prime)

Bit of a meh season tbh, the only episode i really liked was the farm episode the rest were all average i'd say but the ending was ok.
Am looking forward to season 5 though.
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So is Butcher's turbo ultra cancer worm thing going to keep growing? I guess it would be poetic if in trying to destroy Homelander he becomes an even bigger threat.
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Butcher was very cool in the first seasons, but he's just an idiot now. He has disrupted quite a few plans that were on the verge of succeeding through stupid actions - Butcher was never stupid in the beginning.

Don't know if this was his character in the comics, but he's starting to grate now.
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Butcher was very cool in the first seasons, but he's just an idiot now. He has disrupted quite a few plans that were on the verge of succeeding through stupid actions - Butcher was never stupid in the beginning.

Don't know if this was his character in the comics, but he's starting to grate now.


But maybe it's because he's going crazy with this 'cancer'
God knows how they're going to turn this around, Sage pulled it off.

I'm annoyed they built up A-Train all season and then nothing in the finale.

I'm sure he will be back at some point, not sure what he could have done, homelander can wreck near enough anyone without breaking a sweat especially A-train.
Still enjoyed it but the writing and 'fun' has definitely suffered/gone downhill when compared to the earlier seasons.
Maybe he should stay off the V

Gotta be tempting though!

That's plot hole for me - all it takes is the serum to become a supe - yet there is no black market serum or thefts of the serum. No way something that attractive is that tightly controlled. If it were real, there'd be supes everywhere.
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Just finished this, still very much enjoying it, and loving all the jibes at the far right that are getting some people all pissy online now xD
Just finished this, still very much enjoying it, and loving all the jibes at the far right that are getting some people all pissy online now xD
Yeah I agree. It’s not subtle, but it’s funny :D I just watched the finale and thought it was great. I think the problem as it goes on is it was pretty shocking in the first season, what with the ultra violence and nudity etc. But you get used to it, and expect it now. I think it’s still a great show.

Curry (Firecracker):

“I know people saw a character that I played do some really extreme things on The Boys and I don’t care if you’re in costume, I don’t care if you’re in character – it’s not OK and it’s not funny to demand those things from me in person at my booth. It’s not OK.”

“Frankly, to the person who did that repeatedly today, I made it pretty clear that it wasn’t OK and that only seemed to make this person and their friend angry. I didn’t think this needed to be explained but I was deeply uncomfortable – it was quite clear I was uncomfortable.”

“If you're thinking about it, if you think it's going to be funny, if you think you're doing a bit or a moment, honestly it's not and it's only going to make me feel bad."

Can only imagine some 'fans' were asking her to breastfeed them...
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new to The Boys after hearing about it for years. i'm half way through season 2.
it's not holding my attention as much as it did. could be my attention span or...
i think the episodes are generally too long, between 45mins and 1hr is a sweet spot. over 1hr and you're not concentrating as much
i'll stick with it for now just to see what other squeamish stuff they can come up with
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