The "bracket system", or "bracketing system" (as named by myself).

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I find it incredibly hard to understand why people think differently about the "bracket system", or "bracketing system" (as named by myself) to how I do. (This is why I ask). I am not trying to annoy people. (The Internet is my preferred method of communication).

Angus Higgins

You still find it hard? Have we not presented you with enough reasons against it? Has the overwhelming negative response to your "system" not hit home?

LOL so true :D
I do genuinely (I believe [upon the evidence I have obtained from medial professionals]) have some form of problem that causes the "bracket system" , or "bracketing system" (as named by myself) to be appealing (not that I expect many people to believe me upon this [as they have not met me in real life]).

I find it incredibly hard to understand why people think differently about the "bracket system", or "bracketing system" (as named by myself) to how I do. (This is why I ask). I am not trying to annoy people. (The Internet is my preferred method of communication).

Angus Higgins

I'm going to quote myself here but can you please answer this..

Im curious Angus, why is your "bracketing system" not used on your OWN website? :confused:

If the bracketing system is so important why did you choose to omit it from your personal website??
I'm going to quote myself here but can you please answer this..

If the bracketing system is so important why did you choose to omit it from your personal website??

I will not answer this (yet) again. It is a simple concept that would be (partially) understood had the original post in this thread (entitled: "The "bracket system", or "bracketing system" (as named by myself).") been read (and comprehended).

Angus Higgins
I have explained it before. (I do not want to work in the Software, or Hardware industries).

Can you explain to me, in simple terms why you needed to use brackets in that post? I'd like to hear your justification for using them rather than construct the sentence correctly.

Thank you in advance.

I will not answer this (yet) again. It is a simple concept that would be (partially) understood had the original post in this thread (entitled: "The "bracket system", or "bracketing system" (as named by myself).") been read (and comprehended).

Angus Higgins

In short, if you can type normally on there you can do it on here.

Do it sucker.

Can you explain to me, in simple terms why you needed to use brackets in that post? I'd like to hear your justification for using them rather than construct the sentence correctly.

Thank you in advance.

Read the original post in this thread (entitled: "The "bracket system", or "bracketing system" (as named by myself).").

Angus Higgins
In short, if you can type normally on there you can do it on here.

Do it sucker.

The fact that the website was created before the implementation of the "bracket system", or "bracketing system" (as named by myself) should help you to understand. (I also detest the website now [for the lack of accuracy {which I believe there is}]).

Angus Higgins
I have. If you'd read your thread you'd have known that.

I'm still waiting, troll.

Read the original post in this thread (entitled: "The "bracket system", or "bracketing system" (as named by myself).") until you understand it then. (To my knowledge, it ["it" being the "bracket system", or "bracketing system" {as named by myself}] is explained very well).

Angus Higgins
The fact that the website was created before the implementation of the "bracket system", or "bracketing system" (as named by myself) should help you to understand. (I also detest the website now [for the lack of accuracy {which I believe there is}]).

Angus Higgins

If you detest the website why link to it in your signature?
Read the original post in this thread (entitled: "The "bracket system", or "bracketing system" (as named by myself).") until you understand it then. (To my knowledge, it ["it" being the "bracket system", or "bracketing system" {as named by myself}] is explained very well).

I'm asking you to explain one specific sentence. I've read and I understand your original post. Now please will you answer the question?
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