Poll: The Budget

What is your opinion of this budget ?

  • Very satisfied

    Votes: 26 6.6%
  • Reasonably satisfied

    Votes: 121 30.6%
  • Neutral

    Votes: 103 26.0%
  • Somewhat dissatisfied

    Votes: 79 19.9%
  • Very dissatisfied

    Votes: 67 16.9%

  • Total voters
31 Dec 2007
You will be about £242 worse off in 2012/13

not to mention pay freeze, inflation and public sector worker tax ( I mean pension contribution increases) plus the increases in all other areas of cost of living, childcare will go up etc. etc.

probably a lot more than £242 the changes today rob me for!

thats why I'm dissatisfied with the budget and this shameful government
31 Jul 2004
well if the liberals hadn't jumped in bed with the tories they would have had even less say? Just shouting for the sidelines like Labour?

how is that better?
31 Dec 2007
well if the liberals hadn't jumped in bed with the tories they would have had even less say? Just shouting for the sidelines like Labour?

how is that better?

It would have been better to have a tory minority government with the inability to push through crap like the health and Social care bill and loads of laws that change things they have no mandate to do.
9 Jun 2011
it's all ok now just brought 6000 packets of cigs just before 6pm.
out of my dole money. with the saving i can put it up towards my holiday
in spain this summer:):)
13 Aug 2008
You will be about £242 worse off in 2012/13

not to mention pay freeze, inflation and public sector worker tax ( I mean pension contribution increases) plus the increases in all other areas of cost of living, childcare will go up etc. etc.

probably a lot more than £242 the changes today rob me for!

thats why I'm dissatisfied with the budget and this shameful government

My mortgage is £650 a month cheaper due to low interest rates... This shameful government is doing all it can to see it remains this way.

I can handle 242 quid a year more tax all day long...
13 Aug 2008
It would have been better to have a tory minority government with the inability to push through crap like the health and Social care bill and loads of laws that change things they have no mandate to do.

I can guarantee that you have no idea what the healthcare bill actually involves and you only don't like it because labour says you shouldn't.
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1 Feb 2007
Ignoring the dubious independence and track record of the OBR, the 50% income tax raised approx £1bn in tax revenue last year, and would have raised more as income that was brought forward last year to avoid the 50% tax rate cannot avoid the 50% tax rate this year. The evidence presented for cutting the 50% tax rate is extremely flaky at best. Someone has to pay for this tax cut for the rich though, and it looks like it's going to be pensioners and middle income earners. So yes I think this budget is a truly awful thing from a truly despicable chancellor.

In other words regardless of what is done because of who is doing it you are going to dislike it. Doesn't matter if it raises 5 times as much revenue it is still wrong because the Tories did it...

Sadly that is the problem with far too many of our electorate, the colour of the party matters more than the detail of the policy. Frankly irrational.
18 Oct 2002
Ignoring the dubious independence and track record of the OBR, the 50% income tax raised approx £1bn in tax revenue last year, and would have raised more as income that was brought forward last year to avoid the 50% tax rate cannot avoid the 50% tax rate this year. The evidence presented for cutting the 50% tax rate is extremely flaky at best. Someone has to pay for this tax cut for the rich though, and it looks like it's going to be pensioners and middle income earners. So yes I think this budget is a truly awful thing from a truly despicable chancellor.

Ehh, what a logical fallacy.

The evidence shows that if the top tax rate is lowered to 45% from 50% then MORE tax revenue is generated. So, no, no one is paying for, everyone else is benefiting from it as the total tax revenue increases. Who cares is £1bn of revenue was generated with a 50% tax, if the 45% tax rate generates £2bn then we are all much better off.

The negative effects of over taxation are well known and well studied by people that are far more intelligent and experienced than you.
22 Jun 2004
Deep England
In other words regardless of what is done because of who is doing it you are going to dislike it. Doesn't matter if it raises 5 times as much revenue it is still wrong because the Tories did it...

Sadly that is the problem with far too many of our electorate, the colour of the party matters more than the detail of the policy. Frankly irrational.

It's not the revenue raised that's the problem, it's how it is raised, where the burden falls, who wins, who loses etc.

Nothing to do with the colour of the rosette - I am not a Labour supporter.
31 Jul 2004
not to mention pay freeze, inflation and public sector worker tax ( I mean pension contribution increases)

the pay freeze is tough I'll give you that. Inflation however is largely out of the governments hands and I think you'll find you're in a huge minority if you think people are going to care about your pension increases.

I can't afford to contribute to one myself so why I should contribute towards yours is beyond me.
13 Aug 2008
In other words regardless of what is done because of who is doing it you are going to dislike it. Doesn't matter if it raises 5 times as much revenue it is still wrong because the Tories did it...

Sadly that is the problem with far too many of our electorate, the colour of the party matters more than the detail of the policy. Frankly irrational.

People can't handle the fact that the high earners tend to be the brains of our society, so they are smart enough to figure out that the 50% rate is amongst the highest if not the highest in the G20. What incentive do they have to be smart here when they can go sell their intelligence in another country instead?
3 Jan 2006
I'm in the process of buying my first house and I'm a bit disappointed that the 1% stamp duty exemption has not been extended. I've saved up £13k to pay a deposit and this is just another bill to pay.
Man of Honour
11 Mar 2004
I'm in the process of buying my first house and I'm a bit disappointed that the 1% stamp duty exemption has not been extended. I've saved up £13k to pay a deposit and this is just another bill to pay.

Not realy an issue for you. 13k is 130k mortgage, so your only have to drop your sights to 125k to not pay stamp duty. Assuming 10% and that's what you were looking at and not saving up more.
17 Nov 2003
Beside the Seaside !
Overall a good budget IMHO, but an own goal by freezing pensioners age related allowance. The grey vote is crucial to the Tories and many pensioners are already suffering from poor pension annuity and savings rates.

I was worried that Osborne was out of his depth when he took over 3 years ago, but I think he is steering us in the right direction. Lets just hope Labour dont get in 2015 and make a right "Balls up" of it.
3 Jan 2006
Not realy an issue for you. 13k is 130k mortgage, so your only have to drop your sights to 125k to not pay stamp duty. Assuming 10% and that's what you were looking at and not saving up more.

House is £135,000 reduced by a significant amount. Too late to stop proceedings now but it does mean the new kitchen will have to wait a while!
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