The BumblBuild-[Scratch Build]

I love the fact you heated it on the hob instead ! Hmm I'm moving house soon and decided not to have a gas hob, maybe that was a mistake? Have you tried using a gas bbq lol?

Oops on the Monsoon guide, just like in Forrest Gump "it happens sometimes.." :D

Will attempt some myself next week when I get back from abroad. So any heating/bending advice would be good.

Another update,
Every day I get closer..... I think :p

Missing fitting and some more tubing:


Close ups of fitting as I was killing time:




Fitting in it's place:


New plug for heatgun:


First pipe in it's pipe hole!!


Second pipe bent, the first with the heatgun:


I'm once again a failTrain:


There were then more failures....
I'm not gonna lie, it wasn't pretty......
From now on, my advice to people is buy twice the hardtubing you think you need :p

Here's how I've left it:


Do not fear, that pipe on the right just needs cleaned as it's full of plastic from reaming :p

now I have one bend left (and might re-do some) it's the run from the pump up to the top right rad....I think I need to give myself time to think about it... I only have one piece of pipe long enough so need it to go well :D

The rest will be soft tubing till I get the last rad.

Thanks for reading :)
Looking great, shame the bending didnt go to well :D im worried about that next :D hope you get the last rad soon, they are still not in stock tho :(

Meh, it's only tube, as long as ocuk stocks it I can always buy more :D

Last rad might come quite a bit later, cables, fan controller etc. I have enough rad space to drive everything in the system atm, technically it's already slightly overkill :p

Nice to see the build to go with the panels. Great stuff!

Thanks, good to know that you've finally seen what that guy who keeps bothering you over the last like, year is doing :p now you know I don't just ask a million questions for attention ;)

Right, so another 'no picture' update I'm afraid :(
It was late when I finished and went straight to bed rather than posting/uploading pictures.

I re-bent the tube I was unhappy with, Am now happy with it.

I tried to do the epic run from pump->rad and encountered a problem. The silicone insert is not long enough to reach where I need to bend :/
Not sure what to do here....Try and find a longer insert? or change the routing to use a different route?
I'll post some horrific paint mockups later if I have time.

I decided to tube up the rest of the cpu loop with soft tube to leak test the hardline.....
...It leaked
ho ho ho what fun this is :p
It just dripping out of the straightest and easiest piece.....and I have no clue why
I'l need to get it apart, look at it, maybe it needs re-glued/the glue didn't cover the whole sleeve.
The loops draining for now, I need to solve this long pipe issue

Update update :D

Water cooling was worse than I thought....more leaks.

All now fixed *crosses fingers*
Down to a lack of glue on the collars *face palm*

I re-did the tube I didn't like:

The bottom one:


Tubed it up with flexy, so I can keep my current rig up with gpu till fittings come monday(I hope ocuk)

Here's pictures of yesterday's leak:



Here we are where I am now, letting the pump run for a leak test:


Sorry about picture quality, I'm not giving myself enough time, it's all point and click right now :p

Until next update!!!
It's not bad luck, it's an adventure :p
It's fine, I've a tenancy to rush things, the monsoon kit has the stuff to nail the mandrels to a board, would make it much easier to plan it all out better first.

The glue is a monsoon thing. No other fittings have it as far as I know. There's a wee via if you Google "monsoon hard-line fittings"
I have to say I'm not the biggest fan of them at, but never used any other hardliners, so it might just be me :D
It's not bad luck, it's an adventure :p
It's fine, I've a tenancy to rush things, the monsoon kit has the stuff to nail the mandrels to a board, would make it much easier to plan it all out better first.

The glue is a monsoon thing. No other fittings have it as far as I know. There's a wee via if you Google "monsoon hard-line fittings"
I have to say I'm not the biggest fan of them at, but never used any other hardliners, so it might just be me :D

Ah ok :D hope the rest goes well and you get that last radiator :D it will look sick :D technically 2 x 480s :D

As for fittings im gonna be using the primochill revolvers in black........ when they come back in stock.......... omg...... still waiting........ZZZZzzz

Good luck with the rest :D
Ah ok :D hope the rest goes well and you get that last radiator :D it will look sick :D technically 2 x 480s :D

As for fittings im gonna be using the primochill revolvers in black........ when they come back in stock.......... omg...... still waiting........ZZZZzzz

Good luck with the rest :D

I like the look of the primochill, I rocked between the two for a while.
yeah, waiting for stock's no fun

That last rad will probably be a while off tbh....I'll get it all running, might go as far as getting all the extra peripheral stuff before I get it.. I dunno really.

Right now, I'm burnt out on money this month, I'm getting pressured for getting the holidays this year booked, Vienna..... sounds expensive :p

Here we go then!

So I got my fittings I needed, and some more acrylic tubing (I'll always need more :p )

First off, I got a shiny bitspower fitting to split the pump->top right rad run up.




This is due to it being so long that the insert wouldn't fit :( so I opted to make it a bit easier, and buy a bitspower fitting (I've always wanted one :D )

Unfortunately I need different tubing for that run, so it's planned I'll put it in when I've got the last rad, as I'll be draining then anyway.


Blocking up the GPU time!

Lovely 290x:



Old cooler off:


Cleaning up the Die:


Lovely polished block on:





Tubing it all up:
New acrylic piece for rad->GPU, soft tubing from there, as this will be replaced when last rad is in position.





Putting my Vardar fans in place (still to be sleeved )



A wee leak test later and!



Until I've got the cabling done I'm running on mobo headers, so 4 fans :(
But idling at 16, so that's pretty beast mode :D

New desk arrives tomorrow, so bumblbuild can get up off the floor :)

Until next time!!!
Looking good buddy!
Thanks :)

Looking really good mate, you have the patience of a saint...

haha, I don't know about that :p
but with acrylic, you've got to just take a breath once in a while.
I had to drain the whole loop to redo a pipe while leak testing last night,
I was SO CLOSE to turning it on but knew It needed done, I stopped, went and made a coffee.
And came at it again :D
Nice build man. Wish I had the time an patience to to a scratch build, don't let the leaks put you off hard line as it's much smarter than flexible tubing, oh and you gotta love ek man, those blocks. Keep up the good work
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