The BumblBuild-[Scratch Build]

You really need an angle grinder! :D
It would be easier :p
Would certainly make for an 'interesting' case :D
haha, you'd need a small mobo :D


Here's today's update, so we've got the filing done:

Fits much better for allowing airflow:

I fitted the Mobo to the tray to measure where I need the Pci bracket:

I'm glad it fits ;)

Also I fitted the res to check it for positioning:

Still got to paint the whole thing :p

Thanks for reading :D

Just thought I'd do a wee update.
I've decided I will put another drain in, To make it a bit easier.

I've Bought some Paint.......... We'll see how bad I am at this :p

The design might get done this week..... depends as I've still in the middle of building my partners Xmas present.

Also I'm considering buying some of the panels now, and the rest later.
Mainly the MoBo tray and the base.
These will go in and the PC will be assembled on My desk (FINALLY) and the rest will be added bit by bit as I gather monies. I'll start with 2 x 240mm rads, that'll handle the GPU and CPU with no OC.

That will involve Polishing the GPU block.... Would people like a step-by-step?
would you like a time lapse? :p
it all depends on how many times I can be arsed emptying the loop, I might wait, I might put the cpu loop together without GPU.

We'll see

Thanks for reading :)


I'm back (not that anyone pays enough attention to miss me :p )

AND I've brought some updates :)

So, frame DONE! painting is commencing this weekend.... Will do a few progress pics during, just for funsies.

I'm sending off to get some of the panels ASAP, getting the mobo back tray, the base, and the back panel.

I'm still doing the design for the front etc. I'm liking the smaller hexagon style.


I sanded and polished the GPU block :), here is a wee step by step as I did it.
Here we begin,
Note the piece of glass to sand against to make sure it's level.


Take it all apart :)
Sand with 400:
Sand with 800:


Sand with 1000


Sand with 2000 (I had no 1500 :p )


Sand with 2500


Sand with 3000 :D

Last is polish and assemble, Use all the elbow grease:

Pretty pics:

so that's this update, More to come hopefully :D
Thanks for reading

Hello, weekends painting went well I think :)

Here it goes:

Sand and Hung:

Coat with primer with 15 mins between coats:


Leave for 24 hours.................

Paint with black matt paint, 15 mins between coats again:

TBH for the first time using a spray can since young teenage warhammer models I'm very happy with it :D

Close up (still only phone pics :( )

Thanks for reading :)
Yeah, it's getting scarily close to turn on :p

I've fired off the email about panels, just enough to get it running without needing the final designs.

I need some more fitting's and rads and OCUK's stocks letting me down :(
It'll come in eventually.

I've also got fans to buy.....damn they add up when you're not looking, poor wallet :(
I just almost finished my build, and went to turn it on, the mobo light was on, but would not turn on! (Moved to a Case labs M8 you see. :p)

This was at like 3AM so kinda got angry about it. Turned out, one stick of RAM wasn't fully clicked in, I took it all out, re-seated it all, being sure that it clicked on both sides.

Went to turn it on, and bam! there it went, the fans on the fan controller scared me because they was really loud!

Tis an expensive hobby! :p

What rads are you looking for?
It's times like that that you really start getting annoyed, Everything looking right but just not working :p

I'm needing some more EK 240 PE

Though I don't NEED them to get it up, I'd just rather get all the WC in in one go, rather then some now and draining in a few weeks to go again
Well the first time it happened a screw came out, then it booted. The next time I moved it was to add my fan controller as I couldn't be arsed before, and wouldn't boot again lol, this time it was the RAM, maybe it was last time too and didn't notice and was in enough to work? Is that even possible?

Ohh the EK rads, nice choice. They look very nice, I have XSPC, Koolance and a Magicool rad all in one system, however, you can't see the other two as they are hidden. Might make a log for it, not sure.

I did the same to add another rad, it was a hassle, if you can wait it would be the easiest option! :)
It can sit with connection, but not in full.

Well there's waiting and waiting...
I need to wait on the panels, if they get made and come I'll probably just take the shipping hit buying them elsewhere, tis annoying but as I say, right now the rads aren't the limiting factor, so I'll wait

Hey all,

I Planned to update this week, but not much to update really :(

I've sent off Emails for the panels

I'm still waiting for OCUK Stock, I've pre-bought some of the smaller pieces, but Don't want to put down too much encase I decide to buy elsewhere due to stock.

Currently To Get me up and running I Need:
8 More Acrylic Fittings;
3 More Rads;
1 Fan controller;
8 Fans (I have 4 Piranhas unopened, but Planning to replace these)

There is....No stock, on almost everything.... :(

Maybe it's time of year..... I dunno.

This weekend I plan to polish up the case feet to a lovely shine :D, that'll cheer me up hahaha

Until next time,
Thanks :)
Coming along great, you did a lovely job on the polishing.

Thanks, there's a couple of bits I'm unhappy with, but it's looking good :)

So I thought I'd give a wee update on what I'm doing:

I polished the feet, they need a wee buff but good to go really.

I've bought more rads, bought all OCUK's recent drop of stock (sorry) but more are on their way.

I've ordered and paid for some Acrylic panels, the base, the back, and the mobo tray.

This will get the pc up, together, and I can start plumbing :D

I'm really excited for the panels, I hope I can take some decent photos of the next few stages as I think they'll be EPIC
I'll be taking delivery today of 2 new rads.
This will allow me to plumb up the acrylic on the right hand (CPU) side.
And plumb the inlet to the GPU.

From there I could soft tube to the res and complete the loop for fist turn on. But Might double check lead time on some more Monsoon fittings, I'm short and no Stock :(

Also need to address the fan situation, I'll have to drop a ton on but it has to happen, Then it's controlling them.
I'll have to re-sleeve them, and put together some custom extensions, which is another set of tools I need to buy......I hate the cost, but love new tools :p

Fan controller's on the back burner for now, cots issues and the MoBo has enough headers to get me online.... for now.

Most exciting is the Panels, 2-3 days lead time, so hopefully a Sexy photoshoot this weekend >.<

Hey all,
Its been....a 'Meh' weekend.

I'm still waiting on the panels,
I've bought myself some fans, they'll need sleeved etc.
Hoping that stuff will show next week :)

In the meantime, I did some more photography practice......
It didn't go too well :p
I never learnt my lesson about dusting before taking photo's, and I was mainly playing with light etc.
Anyhoo, I hope these can interest people till the next update :)

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