I had an altercation with a black and white bollard sticking out the other day, left a lot of plastic on the side of the car, which I forgot to take photos of.
After removing the bits of bollard that transferred to my car with a mixture of clay and Tardis, it was looking much better already -
Front arch
IMG_0669 by
mikehiow, on Flickr
Front door
IMG_0670 by
mikehiow, on Flickr
Rear door
IMG_0671 by
mikehiow, on Flickr
Rear arch
IMG_0673 by
mikehiow, on Flickr
I then hit it with a 4" polishing pad and some megs #83 - I didn't want to go too harsh, as I just wanted to take the eye away from it as quickly as possible, the car is going on Monday.
Front arch - still one scratch evident, but its effect greatly reduced
IMG_0674 by
mikehiow, on Flickr
Front door - nothing evident
IMG_0675 by
mikehiow, on Flickr
Rear door, same story
IMG_0676 by
mikehiow, on Flickr
Rear arch
IMG_0677 by
mikehiow, on Flickr
Refined and covered up with Z2P its virtually impossible to spot anything at all. In the right light and angle there is a slight mark left on the front and rear arches, but you'd have to know it was there
Front arch
IMG_0678 by
mikehiow, on Flickr
Front door
IMG_0679 by
mikehiow, on Flickr
Rear door
IMG_0681 by
mikehiow, on Flickr
Rear arch
IMG_0682 by
mikehiow, on Flickr
Just goes to show that even with deep scratches, paint isn't always necessary. My neighbour who observed it both with the transferred plastic, and after I'd removed that was convinced it would need paint, and was telling me he would have just taken that straight to a body shop for paint. He couldn't believe the results.
Oh, and for those of you that usually complain about the quality of my pictures, you may notice I finally bought a camera