*** The Car Cleaning Thread ***

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I guess there's only one way to find out :D

You'll probably be fine tbh. I never water the garden anyway,the only reason I have a hose is for the fish tank which needs 60 ish new litres a week. For that it doesn't matter where I get the water from, it's still 60 litres!

If you are particularly concerned another option would be a bucket on a ladder or something with just a small length of hose secured in it. Just siphon the water out and you'll get enough to rinse the car from 2 buckets tops I would have though and won't get locked in the slammer for 15 - life :p
Today I experienced the first failure on the Nilfisk C110.3 after many years of ownership!

The valve that attaches the hose is made of plastic and that cracked so I bought a new one for 99p from a local store and it's back to being as good as new \m/


And the car? As clean as new :p


Such a brilliant day, time for a drive methinks...
Wow:) , that looks nice

Just bought some chemical guys tyre gel and chemical guys Windscreen Treatment.

A question about the windscreen treatment , is it good on its own as cleaner or do I still need to use window cleaners with it such as fast glass?

Depends on what the instructions suggest but I'd personally use a cleaner first to get any crap off then apply the treatment, after all, you don't want to treat the crap on top!

Also, just how nippy does it turn! Was 17 degree when I last posted and I just got in and it feels like 5-7 degrees!
Depends on what the instructions suggest but I'd personally use a cleaner first to get any crap off then apply the treatment, after all, you don't want to treat the crap on top!

Also, just how nippy does it turn! Was 17 degree when I last posted and I just got in and it feels like 5-7 degrees!

good point , would not want to apply to dirty windows , chemical guys also said its fine to use with other glass cleaners .

Yeah soon as the sun goes down it certainly gets nippy out there!!
A question for all you detailing guys...

My car is white and over the months has got loads of black little dots, which are insects, along the side skirts and just behind the front wheels on the panels. When trying to remove them, they just splatter and leave an orange stain like, which looks worse!

Is there any product out there which help to take these off?

I need to do something about them before they build up loads.

Sounds like tar spots instead of insects. Try tar remover when you next wash :p

Failing that, claybar?
Ordered some Mag's tar and bug remover plus Mag's Clay Bar and Lube.
See what it it does.

The best tar remover I have ever used. I also used it to remove paint overspray

Edit : I apply my wax with a foam pad to. Just dampen it ever so slightly and away I go.
3 hours of cleaning yesterday.
Didnt even do a very good job, which annoyed me. As I was waxing I kept noticing bits I had missed! Only the 2nd time I've cleaned this car so little mental notes for next time where the dirt catching areas are!

Most annoying bit? Cleaned all the windows inside and out, this morning my windscreen was very smeary! Tried to drive with it but in the end had to use the wipers and the screen wash. *sigh*

Lessons learnt for next time!
My Poorboys Natural Sealant turned up yesterday....without a spray bottle :( They did give me a microfiber and an applicator pad, but I thought it would be easier to spray on. Anyone know where I can get some heavy duty spray bottles/heads? I did try an empty kitchen spray cleaner bottle, but the Poorboys is a bit too thick for the nozzle. Can it be watered down, or is it just best to spread it on a microfiber and wipe over the dash?
My Poorboys Natural Sealant turned up yesterday....without a spray bottle :( They did give me a microfiber and an applicator pad, but I thought it would be easier to spray on. Anyone know where I can get some heavy duty spray bottles/heads? I did try an empty kitchen spray cleaner bottle, but the Poorboys is a bit too thick for the nozzle. Can it be watered down, or is it just best to spread it on a microfiber and wipe over the dash?

Just spread it on via the MF, will do the job no problem
Well I had a hunt around in the shed for my supplies.

I found:

1 tin of Collinite 476s
1 bottle of Megs NXT glass cleaner
1 bottle of Megs gold soap
1 bottle of Carlack NSC
1 set of Carlack glass sealant
1 bottle of Megs detailer
1 sealed foam pad
1 sealed Megs clay bar
3 lumps of Megs clay
2 foam tyre dressing applicators
2 small microfibre cloths
1 small microfibre pad
1 roll of blue 3M tape
1 wheel brush
2 wool mitts
1 bucket with

So I need some drying towels, some more foam pads, and a few more small microfibers and I should be good to get going.
Sorry didnt see this thread when I popped my head in motors earlier.
I've been advised:

Wash car with Autoglym Shampoo
Clay with Autoclay bar
Polish with Autoglym SRP
Glaze with Poorboys black hole
Seal with Poorboys ex sealant
Wax with either poorboys natty paste wax or collinite 476s.

Had a quick look about and some of this stuff looks quite expensive :/
Are there any cheaper good perfoming alternatives?

Metallic Black Ibiza (think they call it mystic black or somethin similarly daft)

This is for the first proper clean my car has had since I bought it and yes its looking pretty grim lol
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