*** The Car Cleaning Thread ***

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ok am really unimpressed with megs gold gloss shampoo :/

Finding it hard to rinse off and leaves marks on my windows. Think i might just bin it and run back to Zymol Natural Car which always left my car near spotless.

My car is panther black
I find its a great shampoo... although agreed if used in the sun its dries out fast and isn't as pleasant as some shampoo's to rinse off.
ok am really unimpressed with megs gold gloss shampoo :/

Finding it hard to rinse off and leaves marks on my windows. Think i might just bin it and run back to Zymol Natural Car which always left my car near spotless.

My car is panther black

Nothing beats the Zymol IMO.

Moonlight blue here, so very dark.
Can anyone recommend a good handheld vacuum for cleaning a car ?

Do you have a B&M or whatever store near you? they have a Vax (I think it was!) one for sale at £35 whereas it's a tenner or above more online. It got excellent reviews on Amazon and I am considering picking one up as it's small enough for the car as well as powerful enough for around the house.
Gave mine a bath and a couple of coats of Natty's Blue this evening.

So glad I've got a dark coloured car again, cleaning the silver one was a fruitless affair! With this one, I can get a proper shine going!

My god this boy can clean a car!

I cleaned mine a bit today and I got too bored to wax it in the end. Think I need to be in the right mood.
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