*** The Car Cleaning Thread ***

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So picking up a new car on sat 2003 3 series coupe. Its not had much attention the last few months so its in need of some TLC. I have never really done much in the way of detailing and I dont have loads of cash this month but manage to order these from the recommendation of this page.

  • DODO JUICE Born to be Mild Shampoo 250ml
  • Chemical Guys Detailing Brush Set
  • Lake Country CCS Orange Light Cutting Hand Pad
  • Chemical Guys Wash Glove Thick Microfiber Wash Mitt
  • Bilt Hamber Auto Clay Regular Clay Bar
  • Menzerna - Power Finish PF2500
  • Wolf's Chemicals Decon Gel 500ml Deironizer

Im abit confused on using the clay. How many times can it be used? Is one block enough for the whole car? Just thought some bits of crap will get stuck in it then scratch the car.

Are cheap microfibre towels fine?
I would also recommend a wax or sealant if you haven't already got one. It will help protect the finish and make it easier to clean next time.

Regarding the clay, if it is a normal Bilt Hamber bar which I think is 200g then i would expect to use about 1/4 - 1/3 of the bar. Though obviously if the car is in a terrible state you would use more. Unfortunatly there is no easy way to say over the internet when to fold clay, generally if you get something big stuck in it or if smaller pieces the clay will discolour slightly.

Cheap does not mean bad, some of the pro's use Costco ones which work out about 40 pence each. A bit rubbish cheap one should do the job though so I wouldn't worry.
Given up cleaning my car since i spent 3 hours doing it the other day and within 10 miles it was back to the state it was before i washed it. Never seen an alloy wheel go from sparklingly clean to proper dirty in such a short amount of time.

There's something horrible on the roads at the moment, but it just leaves the car absolutely filthy. Think it might be the salt, but having said that, i've never had that before with salt. Normally you just get the salty desposits, not horrible black stuff which almost looks like soil when it's dry.
Washed and clayed my car today using dodo juice btbm and some bilt hamber clay. Even though it was really cold the clay got a lot of crap off the car which I think if it was warmer would have worked even better.

Anyway tomorrow im going to polish the car but want to make sure I do it correctly.


I'm guessing the side with the divots in goes against the car?

The polish is Menzerna - Power Finish PF2500.

So consider the car is nice and clean steps are?

Few dots on the pad working on say a half door section at a time?
From the Ammo guy on youtube he says always work in straight lines not circles?
Just work it until its close to dry?
Do I wipe off before it gets fully dry with a microfibre?

Sorry for being such a n00b but its going to take awhile so rather do it right.
Washed and clayed my car today using dodo juice btbm and some bilt hamber clay. Even though it was really cold the clay got a lot of crap off the car which I think if it was warmer would have worked even better.

Anyway tomorrow im going to polish the car but want to make sure I do it correctly.


I'm guessing the side with the divots in goes against the car? Correct :)

The polish is Menzerna - Power Finish PF2500.

So consider the car is nice and clean steps are?

Few dots on the pad working on say a half door section at a time? Correct
From the Ammo guy on youtube he says always work in straight lines not circles?
He prefers straight lines, but it is your choice really, he does it to prevent swirl marks, but I have never come across any by doing circles.
Just work it until its close to dry? Look below :)
Do I wipe off before it gets fully dry with a microfibre?

Work the polish in by doing up and down and then left and right like a cross pattern (so starting top left work right left until you get down the panel and then start at the bottom right and do up and down until you reach the top left of the panel, then buff off with a low pile microfibre

Sorry for being such a n00b but its going to take awhile so rather do it right. We all have to learn somewhere :)

Place 5 dots on the pad. Left, right, top, bottom, middle. If it is a brand new pad, you can spray it with one or two squirts of water :)
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Thats great thanks. What about pressure on the pad?

Well, with a machine polisher, you would use the weight of the machine to do the work, but it is different with a hand pad as you have to judge the pressure you should apply. It is difficult to tell you what pressure over the internet.

If I was using the hand pad, i would put light-moderate pressure onto the pad for the entire panel, and moderate to high pressure on areas with a lot of swirls or scratches, but as I have said, it is difficult to judge. Sorry I couldn't be more help :(
Guys what's a decent polish/light compound that I could buy from a shop locally in the next few days? I want to finish the paint correction on the s15 while I have some spare time over the holidays but didn't think ahead and order any polish. My usual is Meguars #205 but the only gear I have now is G10 and I can't get on with it at all.
AutoGlym Super Resin Polish is usually recommended.

I find this along with Autoglym Extra Gloss Protection leaves a nice finish and lasts a decent amount of time before it needs doing again.
Guys what's a decent polish/light compound that I could buy from a shop locally in the next few days? I want to finish the paint correction on the s15 while I have some spare time over the holidays but didn't think ahead and order any polish. My usual is Meguars #205 but the only gear I have now is G10 and I can't get on with it at all.

Where in Wolvo are you? try Jawel Paints on the cannock road. I use 3M products with excellent results.
There are awesome deals on some Hozelock stuff on the Halfords site, things like connectors are £1 each and there's a large pump for £5 and long lengths of hose for cheap.

Out of stock in a lot of places but worth checking.
Washed and clayed my car today using dodo juice btbm and some bilt hamber clay. Even though it was really cold the clay got a lot of crap off the car which I think if it was warmer would have worked even better.

Best method in winter, and even summer...

Separate the clay bar into two pieces and place them in a pan of boiling water.

Use one on the car until it starts to go hard and difficult to mould, then switch to the other.
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