So some of you may know I do a bit of detailing for people on the side of my other work avenues, mostly just odds and ends - nothing particularly high end. However today I was lucky enough to do some initial work on a 2013 Camaro with race pack (some black bits for $3500 from what the owner tells me)!
The car only landed in Blighty a few weeks ago and had a bit of damage from the trip, also some extremely ham fisted washing has happened previously which was the main purpose of the first visit.
This was the extent of a lot of the kind of damage on a lot of the panels, literally horrible!
Started off with a DA, it probably needs a rotary in places however I didn't want to push my luck, the paint was so soft, you could almost scratch it with your finger nails!
I left my camera with the owner for two minutes and he tries to get all arty! .. I like it!
Finally some progress, the owner was stunned by the progress even only a few hours could achieve!
All tucked up, I put on a decent sealant and couple of layers of wax which will tide the owner over until the weather is better. He really just couldn't stand the terrible damage the previous owner inflicted so it needed some attention, even in the snow!
Really cannot get enough of those headlights!